

Effects of Exogenous Sucrose on Seed Germination and Seedling Development of Brassica napus L.
摘要 萌发调控是促进甘蓝型油菜快速出苗、齐苗的重要基础,为探索外源蔗糖对甘蓝型油菜种子萌发与幼苗发育的影响,选用早熟油菜品种湘油420进行了不同条件下萌发试验,检测了水分、脱落酸、内源糖及关键基因的表达变化。结果表明:外源蔗糖延缓湘油420种子萌发启动过程,提高萌发整齐度,在子叶展开后促进子叶转绿、真叶形成,抑制主根过度伸长同时促进侧根发育。外源蔗糖对湘油420种子萌发过程中水分吸收表现先抑制后促进,播种后3 h内抑制水分吸收,并在播种后6 h内解除吸水抑制;萌发过程中种子内ABA含量持续降低,外源蔗糖促进播种后3 h内ABA含量的下降;播种后15~18 h内可溶性总糖含量迅速降低,还原性糖含量在萌发初期随萌发进程增加,外源蔗糖对可溶性总糖含量变化无明显影响,但抑制播种后9 h还原糖的增加、促进播种15 h后还原糖含量增加;萌发过程中2个蔗糖磷酸合酶(BnaSPS)基因BnaC09g37470D和BnaA10g15120D相对表达量在胚根萌出阶段显著降低、子叶转绿后表达回升,外源蔗糖抑制胚根萌出前2个BnaSPS基因表达,在子叶转绿后显著诱导其中BnaC09g37470D基因表达。综上,研究初步揭示了外源蔗糖通过渗透性作用调节吸涨起始阶段水分吸收,通过糖代谢调节萌发阶段种子内源糖利用和幼苗发育初期糖类转化而延缓甘蓝型油菜种子萌发启动、促进吸涨后种子萌发进程而提高种子萌发整齐度、促进幼苗发育的多重作用。 Germination control is an important basis for promoting rapid emergence and uniform seedlings of Brassica napus.In order to explore the effect of exogenous sucrose on B.napus seed germination and seedling development,it selected the early-maturing rapeseed variety-Xiangyou 420 to conduct germination tests under different conditions and detected the expression changes of moisture,abscisic acid,endogenous sugars and key genes.The results showed that exogenous sucrose delayed the germination initiation process of Xiangyou 420 seeds,improved the uniformity of germination,promoted the cotyledons to turn green and formed true leaves after the cotyledons expanded,inhibited the excessive elongation of the main root and promoted the development of lateral roots.Exogenous sugar first inhibited and then promoted water absorption during the germination process of Xiangyou 420 seeds.It inhibited water absorption within three hours after sowing and released the inhibition of water absorption within six hours after sowing.The ABA content in seeds continued to decrease during the germination process,and exogenous sucrose promoted the decrease in ABA content within three hours after sowing.The total soluble sugar content decreased rapidly within 15 to 18 hours after sowing,and the reducing sugar content increased with the germination process in the early stages of germination.Exogenous sucrose had no significant effect on the changes in total soluble sugar content but inhibited the increase in reducing sugar content within nine hours after sowing and promoted the increase in reducing sugar content 15 hours after sowing.During the germination process,the expression of two sucrose phosphate synthase(BnaSPS)genes decreased significantly during the radicle germination stage and then increased after the cotyledons turned green.Exogenous sucrose inhibited the expression of the two BnaSPS genes before radicle germination,and significantly induced,the expression of BnaC09g37470D gene after the cotyledons turned green.In summary,it preliminarily reveals that exogenous sucrose regulates water absorption at the initial stage of imbibition through osmotic effects,and delays the initiation of B.napus seed germination by regulating endogenous sugar utilization in seeds during the germination stage and sugar conversion in the early stages of seedling development through sugar metabolism,promotes the seed germination process after imbibition,improves the uniformity of seed germination,and promotes the development of seedlings.
作者 冯韬 陈勤勤 杨佳 谭晖 尹明智 胡燕 FENG Tao;CHEN Qinqin;YANG Jia;TAN Hui;YIN Mingzhi;HU Yan(College of Biology and Agriculture,Zunyi Normal University,Zunyi 536000,China)
出处 《华北农学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期110-116,共7页 Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica
基金 贵州省教育厅青年人才成长项目(黔教合KY字[2020]107) 遵义师范学院博士基金(BS[2019]42)。
关键词 甘蓝型油菜 种子萌发 幼苗发育 外源蔗糖 基因表达 Brassica napus L. Seed germination Seedling development Exogenous sucrose Gene expression
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