一 初冬,焐雪天.丘山谷的葡萄已经采完.酒庄果树的叶子落尽,还有不少黄灿灿的柿子、红彤彤的山楂和硕大芳香的木瓜挂在枝头,仿佛秋天盛宴结束后的残羹冷炙,遗弃在蓝天白云的桌布上,看上去显得有些奢侈.阳光柔暖,微风不燥,远山近水都在等一场矜持的初雪.放眼北望,连绵起伏的葡萄园一望无垠,如巨鲸之脊,破浪而行,从身边一直游向远方海天交会处.
In the northern coast of Jiaodong Peninsula,origin of the legend of eight immortals crossing the sea,a collection of lliterature and art on the theme of intoxication was underway.Writers,poets and artists from different places in China gathered here.Along the magical 37th parallel north,they went all the way westward,joyfully making visits,tasting wine,communicating and taking photos to have an in-depth experience of its wine culture.Like the eight immortals in the legend,they descended from the heaven and came a long way for the gathering with poetry and wine.As an organizer of the activity,I travelled among chateaus scattered here and there and sauntered in the stories filled with the aroma of wine with these cultural messengers,admiring sceneries and tasting wine to savor the feast that caters to my eyes and taste buds.