说起牟氏庄园曾经的主人牟家,大家都知道那是当时中国北方数得着的大地主,在栖霞那更是跺跺脚,土地都要颤三颤的主儿. 当时的牟家,在栖霞有一百五十多个完整的佃户村,庄园周边几乎都是佃户村.但凡事都有例外,距庄园不到5公里的后夼村就不是牟家的佃户村,且村里没有牟家一分地,也没有一家租种牟家的地.你说有意思吧?
Regarding the former owner of Mou's Manor,it is widely known that he was a noteworthy landlord in the north of China and an influential figure in Qixia.For the Mou's family in those days,over 150 villages in Qixia were entirely their tenants and almost all the neigh-boring villages around the manor were their tenants.However,there was an exception.Houkuang Village,a village less than five kilometers away from the manor,was no tenant of the Mou's family.Furthermore,in this village no farmlands belonged to this family and no households rented a farmland from them.It is interesting,isn't it?