说起捷克布拉格,无论中老年人还是90 后,应该都不陌生,不管是五六十年代曾经在中国大城市四处可见的塔特拉(Tatra)公共汽车和载重大卡车,还是 90 年代的斯科达(Skoda)小轿车,更有那首蔡依林演唱的《布拉格广场》,都能让人联想到捷克的布拉格.1992 年,布拉格历史中心被列入联合国教科文组织的世界文化遗产名单.
Prague,nestledamidstrolling hills,isembracedbytheVltava River,whichflows from south to north and carves an elegant S-shape through the city center.On the western heights stands the Presidential Palace,a sentinel of the city,while to the south rises Petrin Hill.Walking through the ancient alleys paved with small square stones,one might experience a trance-like sensation of encountering a 16th-centurycarriage.The interlaced network of tram lines and tracks,the ancient buildings that undergone many vicissitudes,and the leisurely pedestrians together create a scene that makes one feel as if they have traversed through time and returned to thepast.