Occurrence of neurotoxic chemicals in the aquatic environment is on the rise posing a potential threat to aquatic biota including fish.In teleosts,zebrafish has become a popular model organism for toxicological studies and testing strategies.However,over the decade,siluriformes(catfish)are also finding ever increasing application being robust as well as their adaptability to adverse ecological conditions,surgical interventions,and tolerant models for toxicity studies and manipulations.Such information can infer potential effects occurring to other species exposed to neurotoxins in their aquatic environment and predicting potential risks of a chemical for the aquatic ecosystem.The aim of this review is to compare and interpret recent results published concerning neuro-behavioral and morphological disturbances caused by toxicants/pollutants providing a holistic view of potential neurotoxic outcomes in catfish.Overall,this review summarizes various effects of toxicants/pollutants in terms of neurotoxicity and neurodegeneration associated with behavioral phenotypes.
supported partially by grant-in-aid(Ref.No.EMR/2017/000718)and(Ref.No.CRG/2022/000540)from the Science and Engineering Research Board,India to BS
Authors acknowledge BUILDER Grant from DBT,India(Ref.No.BUILDER-DBT-BT/INF/22/SP41176/2020)India to School of Life Sciences,University of Hyderabad.