

Commentary on Article 47,Paragraph 3 of the"Supervision Law"(Connection between Supervision and Investigation During the Period of Return for Supplementary Investigation)
摘要 《监察法》第47条第3款规定了监察调查阶段与审查起诉阶段的衔接程序。该条款体现了监察机关和检察机关在共同办理职务违法和职务犯罪案件中互相配合、互相制约的原则,也反映出《监察法》与《刑事诉讼法》在衔接协调过程中尚需进一步明确和完善的关键问题。该问题既关涉如何平衡监察机关与检察机关的职能配置,又关涉相关案件的办理程序。在监察案件中,退回补充调查之后属于何种阶段尚不明确。其定性问题对办案方式选择和犯罪嫌疑人权利保障具有重要影响,是我国监察体制改革后出现的特殊问题。目前,学界对此未形成通说,该问题尚有较大论证空间。 Article 47,Paragraph 3 of the"Supervision Law"stipulates the connection procedures between the supervision investigation stage and the review and prosecution stage.The above-mentioned provisions reflect the principle of mutual cooperation and mutual restraint between the supervisory organs and the procuratorial organs in jointly handling cases of duty violations and duty crimes.They also reveal the key issues that still need to be further clarified and improved in the connection and coordination process between the"Supervision Law"and the"Criminal Procedure Law".This issue is not only related to how to balance the functional configuration of the supervisory organs and the procuratorial organs,but also related to the handling procedures of relevant cases.In supervision cases,it is not clear which stage one case belongs to after being returned for supplementary investigation.The determination of its nature has an important impact on the choice of case handling methods and the protection of the rights of criminal suspects,and it is a special issue that emerged after the reform of China's supervision system.Currently,there is no consensus in the academic community on this issue,and there is still considerable space for argumentation.
作者 张诗瑶 Zhang Shiyao
机构地区 武汉大学法学院
出处 《党内法规研究》 2024年第4期115-128,共14页 Research on Intraparty Rules and Regulations
关键词 监察机关 检察机关 强制措施 法法衔接 supervisory organs procuratorial organs compulsory measures connection between laws
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