

Improving effect of bag-controlled slow-release iron fertilizer on iron utilization rate of pear trees
摘要 为探究袋控缓释铁肥改善梨树缺铁黄化的效果,采用硫酸亚铁与柠檬酸混合包装,并在肥料袋中添加生根诱导调节剂6-BA,设袋控缓释铁肥(HF)、撒施铁肥(SF)和不施铁肥(CK)3个处理,分析了其对梨树细根生长状况、叶片SPAD值以及叶片活性铁含量的影响。结果表明,HF梨树根系的细根最长、根体积和根表面积最大,其中在根长和根体积指标上显著高于SF和CK(P<0.05);HF和SF两处理在生长季内细根数量显著高于CK(P<0.05);HF肥效缓慢且稳定,持续维持一定的根系生物量,延长了梨树根系的褐变时间,其中HF褐变时间最长,为54 d,其次是SF,为43 d,CK为25 d,各处理间差异显著(P<0.05);HF显著提高了根系活力(P<0.05)。HF叶片SPAD值在7月和8月显著高于SF与CK(P<0.05)。8月各处理间梨树叶片活性铁含量差异显著(P<0.05),以HF的活性铁含量最高,为27.36 mg/kg。袋控缓释铁肥有效提高了梨树铁素利用率。 To study the effect of bag-controlled slow-release iron fertilizer on improving iron deficiency and yellowing of pear trees,the fertilizer was packaged with ferrous sulfate and citric acid,and 6-BA was added into the fertilizer bag.Three treatments of bagcontrolled slow-release iron fertilizer(HF),spread iron fertilizer(SF)and no iron fertilizer(CK)were set up.The growth status of fine roots,leaf SPAD value and leaf active Fe content of pear trees were analyzed.The results showed that the length,volume and surface area of fine roots treated with HF were the highest,and the root length and root volume were significantly higher than those of SF and CK treatments(P<0.05).The number of fine roots in HF and SF treatments was significantly higher than that in CK treatment during the growing season(P<0.05).The fertilizer effect of HF treatment was slow and stable,which maintained a certain root biomass and prolonged the browning time of pear roots.Among them,the root browning time of HF treatment was the longest,reaching 54 days,followed by SF treatment for 43 days and CK treatment for 25 days,and there were significant differences among treatments(P<0.05).In addition,HF treatment significantly increased root activity(P<0.05).The SPAD values of HF treatment measured in July and August were significantly higher than those of SF and CK treatments(P<0.05).In August,the active iron content of each treatment was significantly different(P<0.05),and the active iron content of HF treatment was the highest,which was 27.36 mg/kg.The bag-controlled slow-release iron fertilizer effectively improved the utilization rate of iron in pear trees.
作者 孙文英 张守仕 薛丽丰 乔宝营 刘荣宁 SUN Wen-ying;ZHANG Shou-shi;XUE Li-feng;QIAO Bao-ying;LIU Rong-ning(Henan Vocational College of Agriculture,Zhengzhou 451450,China)
出处 《湖北农业科学》 2024年第10期24-28,共5页 Hubei Agricultural Sciences
基金 河南省大宗水果产业技术体系建设专项资金项目(Z2014-11-11) 河南农业职业学院科技创新人才项目(HNACHRSR-2023-03) 河南农业职业学院科学研究项目(HNACKY-2020-08)。
关键词 梨树 袋控缓释铁肥 铁素利用率 根系生长 叶片SPAD值 pear tree bag-controlled slow-release iron fertilizer iron utilization rate growth of roots leaf SPAD value
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