

Research on the transformation and upgrading of textile and clothing industry under the background of high-quality development:taking Xiangyang as an example
摘要 纺织服装产业是襄阳经济支柱产业之一,如何在高质量发展背景下加速转型升级,事关未来综合实力竞争。文章从工业园区及企业的现状、产业的整体结构和特点两个方面梳理了襄阳纺织服装产业自身现状,结合襄阳市承接沿海地区纺织服装产业已做出的努力,分析存在的问题,通过归纳和借鉴江西、宿迁、泉州等省市承接和转型升级纺织服装产业的成功做法,针对襄阳纺织服装产业的转型升级,提出了一些发展方向及政策建议。 The textile and clothing industry is one of the pillar industries of Xiangyang’s economy.How to accelerate its transformation and upgrading under the background of high-quality development is related to the future comprehensive strength competition.This paper summarizes the current situation of Xiangyang’s textile and clothing industry from two aspects:the status quo of industrial parks and enterprises,the overall structure and characteristics of the industry,and the efforts made by Xiangyang to undertake the textile and clothing industry in coastal areas.It analyzes the existing problems and summarizes and draws on the successful practices of Jiangxi,Suqian,Quanzhou and other provinces and cities in undertaking and transforming the textile and clothing industry.Based on the transformation and upgrading of Xiangyang’s textile and clothing industry,some development directions and policy recommendations are proposed.
作者 杨静 纵瑞云 黄晓乐 陈锐 刘孟頔 Yang Jing;Zong Ruiyun;Huang Xiaole;Chen Rui;Liu Mengdi(Xiangyang Polytechnic,Xiangyang 441050,China;Wuhan University of Technology,Wuhan 430070,China)
出处 《纺织报告》 2024年第9期26-28,共3页
基金 襄阳市社科联2024年度“汉江智库”课题“高质量发展背景下襄阳纺织服装产业转型升级研究”(HJZKYBKT2024024)。
关键词 高质量发展 纺织服装产业 转型升级 承接 案例 建议 high-quality development textile and clothing industry transformation and upgrading undertaking cases suggestions
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