

Analysis of quality of life and influencing factors in patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
摘要 目的探讨耐多药和利福平耐药肺结核病(multidrug-resistant and rifampin-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis,MDR/RR-PTB)患者的健康相关生命质量(health related quality of life,HRQOL)并分析其影响因素。方法选取2021年至2024年巴中市《结核病管理信息系统》登记治疗管理的50例MDR/RR-PTB患者为耐药组,选取同期该系统登记治疗管理的对抗结核药物治疗敏感的肺结核患者50例作为对照组,采用慢性肺结核患者生命质量测定量表(quality of life instuments for chronic disease pulmonary tuberculosis,QLICD-PT)评估并比较两组患者的HRQOL,用多重线性回归分析法分析影响MDR/RR-PTB患者HRQOL的因素。结果与对照组比较,MDR/RR-PTB组患者除生理功能得分外,其他各模块差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。单因素分析结果显示,不同性别、医保类别、家庭月收入、有无合并症、淋巴细胞计数、白蛋白、C反应蛋白、体质量指数的患者QLICD-PT总分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多重线性回归分析结果显示,医保类别、家庭月收入差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论MDR/RR-PTB患者HRQOL低于对抗结核药物敏感的肺结核患者,患者的医保类别、家庭月收入是MDR/RR-PTB患者HRQOL的可能影响因素。 Objective To explore the health-related quality of life(HRQOL)among patients with multidrug-resistant and rifampin-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis(MDR/RR-PTB)and analyze its influencing factors.Methods Data was collected from 50 MDR/RR-PTB patients registered for treatment management in the“Tuberculosis Management Information System”in Bazhong City from 2021 to 2024 as resistance group.Fifty pulmonary tuberculosis patients sensitive to anti-tuberculosis drug treatment registered in the system during the same period were selected as control group.A cross-sectional survey method was employed using the quality of life instruments for chronic disease pulmonary tuberculosis(QLICD-PT)to measure and compare the HRQOL between two groups.Multiple linear regression analysis was used to analyze factors affecting the HRQOL of MDR/RR-PTB patients.Results Except for physiological function,there were statistically significant difference between MDR/RR-PTB group and control group in terms of total quality of life score,psychological function,social function,and specific modules(P<0.05).Univariate analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences in the total quality of life scores among patients with different genders,medical insurance statuses,monthly family income situations,presence or absence of comorbidities,lymphocyte count,albumin,C-reactive protein,and body mass index(P<0.05).Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that(P<0.05)there was significant difference for the partial regression coefficient tests of patient’s medical insurance and monthly family income situations(P<0.05).Conclusion The HRQOL of MDR/RR-PTB patients is lower than that of pulmonary tuberculosis patients sensitive to anti-tuberculosis drugs.The patient's health insurance and monthly family income are potential factors affecting the HRQOL of MDR/RR-PTB patients.
作者 石亚军 熊小芹 付晓庆 王峰 周辉 SHI Yajun;XIONG Xiaoqin;FU Xiaoqing;WANG Feng;ZHOU Hui(Infectious Diseases Department of Bazhong Central Hospital,Bazhong 636000,Sichuan,China)
出处 《中国现代医生》 2024年第29期10-14,共5页 China Modern Doctor
基金 四川省医学科研课题项目(S23083)。
关键词 耐药肺结核 健康 生命质量 影响因素 Drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis Health Quality of life Influencing factors
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