

Research on the current status of adaptive reuse of the world waterfront industrial heritage
摘要 在当前世界城市逆工业化进程加剧背景下,滨水工业遗产的适应性再利用在港口城市更新与工业遗产活化领域的研究具有广泛实践意义。本文选取173项代表性滨水工业遗产并建立其改造更新数据库,结合类型学划定改造前后厂区和建筑单体类型,对统计结果进行分布和趋势分析。结果表明:空间上,滨水工业遗产整体围绕较大海湾或内陆河湾地区分布,以城市工业片区为核心集中分布,多呈线性聚集态;时间上,项目数量逐年递增,且各地跃进期不同步,公共化、生态化及复合化的改造倾向逐年增强;改造类型上,生产加工类与文化教育类厂区具有显著改造相关性。研究结论可进一步揭示世界滨水工业遗产改造利用整体特征和类型趋势,并为以后实际活化更新类型的决策提供量化数据支持。 Under the background of the intensified post-industrialization process in urban cities,the adaptive reuse of waterfront industrial heritage is of extensive practical significance in the field of port city renewal and industrial heritage activation.This paper selects 173 representative waterfront industrial heritages and establishes a transformed project database,combines the typology to delineate the types of plants and building units before and after the transformation,and analyses the distribution and trend of the statistical results.The study found that:1)The spatial distribution generally revolves around large bays or inland river bays,with urban industrial areas as the core,mostly in a linear aggregation state;2)The time progress shows the number of projects is increasing year by year,and the period of leapfrogging is not synchronised across the region,with a tendency towards public,ecological and composite transformation increasing;3)In terms of the typology,there is a significant transformation correlation between the production and processing factory and cultural and educational factory.The conclusions of the study can further reveal the overall characteristics and typological trends of the adaptive reuse of the world waterfront industrial heritage,and provide quantitative data support for the decision-making on the actual types of revitalisation and renewal in the future.
作者 申玲 岳俊芝 吴思娇 李佳琪 谭芊 陈舒扬 SHEN Ling;YUE Junzhi;WU Sjiao;LI Jiaqi;TAN Qian;CHEN Shuyang(School of Urban and Environmental Sciences,Hunan University of Technology,Zhuzhou 412007,Hunan,China;School of Architecture,Huaqiao University,Xiamen 361021,Fujian,China;School of Architecture and Urban Planning,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400030,China)
出处 《资源信息与工程》 2024年第5期116-122,共7页 Resource Information and Engineering
基金 2022年湖南省大学生创新创业训练计划一般项目(S202211535040) 2023年湖南省教育厅一般科研项目(23C0186) 2024株洲市社会科学成果规划评审委员会课题(ZZSK2024144)。
关键词 滨水工业遗产 案例数据库 适应性再利用 时空分布 类型研究 waterfront industrial heritage case database adaptive reuse spatial and temporal distribution type research
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