

A Bibliometric Analysis of Research Hotspots and Frontiers in Idiosyncratic Deals:Based on the WOS Database Core Collection
摘要 近年来,个性化契约在组织行为学和人力资源管理领域的研究备受关注。然而,目前对该领域的研究成果缺少框架性和比较性的定量分析。以“个性化契约”为研究主题,运用CiteSpace可视化技术,对2001-2023年WOS数据库中148篇相关文献进行了计量分析。研究结果显示:个性化契约的发文量保持增长的态势,逐渐成为组织行为学与人力资源管理领域的研究热点;个性化契约对员工的心理和行为的影响以及员工和组织之间的社会交换关系是个性化契约领域所关注的热点主题;个性化契约研究的聚类结果可以分为对员工的影响、对第三方的影响和对组织与团队的影响三类。 In recent years,idiosyncratic deals have received more and more attention in the field of organizational behavior and human resource management,but there is still a lack of framework and comparative quantitative analysis of the relevant research results in this field.With the research theme of“Idiosyncratic deals”,CiteSpace visualization technology was used to bibliometric analysis of 148 articles in the WOS database from 2001 to 2023.The results show that the number of papers published on idiosyncratic deals has maintained an increasing trend,and has gradually become a research hotspot in the field of organizational behavior and human resource management.The influence of idiosyncratic deals on employees'psychology and behavior and the social exchange relationship between employees and organizations are hot topics in the field of idiosyncratic deals.The clustering results of idiosyncratic deals research can be divided into three categories:The impact on employees,the impact on third parties,and the impact on organizations and teams.
作者 张红 李进生 刘黔川 李茹月 Zhang Hong;Li Jinsheng;Li Qianchuan;Li Ruyue(School of Business,Guilin University of Technology,Guilin 541004,China;Department of Economic Management,Guilin Normal College,Guilin 541199,China)
出处 《科技创业月刊》 2024年第10期159-167,共9页 Journal of Entrepreneurship in Science & Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金地区项目(72262010 72364009) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(72202032)。
关键词 个性化契约 文献计量分析 知识图谱 CITESPACE Idiosyncratic Deals Bibliometric Analysis Knowledge Map CiteSpace
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