All-media Explorations
1陈东英,刘忠权.人类命运共同体的哲学基础[J].社会主义核心价值观研究,2021,7(3):94-100. 被引量:4
2Nye Jr. J. Transcript of Witness Testimony to the House of Lords Select Committee on Soft Power and UK Influence. Available at : < http : // www. parliament, uk/documents/lords - committee/soft - power - uk - influence/ucl51013EvlO, pdf > , 26 November 2013.
3Roselle L, Miskimmon A, O Loughlin B. Strategic Narrative: A New Means to Understand Soft Power. Media War & Conflict, 2014, 7:70 - 84.
4Hellman M, Wagnsson C. New Media and the War in Afghanistan: The Significance of Blogging for the Swedish Strategic Narrative. New Media &Society, 2013, 17 (1): 6-23.
5Burke, K. A Rhetoric of Motives. Oxford University Press. 1969, pp. 54 -75.
6Miskimmon A, OLoughlinB, Roselle L. Strategic Narratives: Communication Power and the New World Order. Routledge, 2013. pp. 8.
7Roselle L, Miskimmon A, OLoughlin B. Strategic Narrative: A New Means to Understand Soft Power. Media War & Conflict, 2014.7:70 - 84.
8Miskimmon A, OLoughlinB, Roselle L Strategic Narratives: Communication Power and the New World Order. Routledge, 2013. pp. 35 -40.
9Zhu Z. China's "Peaceful Rise" in the 21st Century: Domestic and International Conditions. China Journal, 2007 (58) : 228 -230.
10Emma V. Broomfield. Perceptions of Danger: The China Threat Theory. Journal of Contemporary China, 2003, 12 (35) : 265 -284.
1彭祝斌,范岳鋆,朱晨雨.欧洲焦点事件在华传播热度的影响因素及作用机制——基于30起案例的模糊集定性比较分析[J].新闻与传播研究,2021(2):106-125. 被引量:13
2丁汉青,揭其涛.同一世界,不同话语:“人类命运共同体”的中国话语表达分析[J].中国新闻传播研究,2022(1):95-112. 被引量:6
3刘锐.人工智能背景下精准国际传播的复合风险与治理体系构建[J].新媒体与社会,2023(2):157-172. 被引量:2
4杨凤娇,邱犇.全球治理语境下中国日报扶贫减贫议题建构研究——基于推特平台@China Daily的实证分析[J].现代传播(中国传媒大学学报),2021,43(3):62-69. 被引量:11
5徐同谦,杨张若然.英美主流媒体涉鄂报道的内容分析[J].中国媒体发展研究报告,2020(1):159-183. 被引量:1
7唐华林.跨文化语境下的国家叙事研究[J].中华文化与传播研究,2021(1):104-114. 被引量:1
8蒋欣.浙江地方文化对外传播现状及发展策略研究[J].传媒论坛,2019,2(9):10-13. 被引量:4
9张贻苒.中外合作纪录片话语策略研究[J].新疆艺术(汉文),2018,0(5):92-97. 被引量:1
10刘春霞.构建中国特色对外话语体系研究述评[J].毛泽东邓小平理论研究,2017(5):75-81. 被引量:2