

An Examination of the Establishment,Implementation and Transition of the Regional Admission Quota System for Metropolitan Examinations in the Ming Dynasty
摘要 为保证边远落后地区的举人应考会试具有一定考中率,洪熙元年,明仁宗与杨士奇创立了会试“南六北四”分卷取士制度;宣宗嗣位后又予重申,并在宣德二年和宣德五年的会试中得以切实执行,宣德八年会试得到基本执行。正统元年会试又进一步细分为南、北、中卷,各按“六、三、一”的比例录取;正统四年会试复改为各按“五五、三五、十”的比例录取;其后,又经历了诸多科次的分卷占比波动甚至短暂的罢行、改制,自嘉靖二十九年会试开始,“南五五、北三五、中十”的录取比例才获得稳定、严格的执行。对上述史实的审慎考证,既反映了明朝会试在以考试成绩为取士决定因素前提下对科举欠发达地区士子予以适度照顾的长期摸索和坚持,也说明了对相关史料进行严谨考订和溯源辨误在史学求真中的极端重要性。 To ensure the applicants from remote and backward areas have a certain rate of passing the metropolitan examinations,Emperor Renzong and Yang Shiqi(杨士奇)established the regional admission quota system for metropolitan examinations in the first year of Hongxi(洪熙),which stipulates that the southern part would take 60%of the quota and the northern part 40%.After succeeding to the throne,Emperor Xuanzong reconfirmed the system and carried it out effectively in the metropolitan examinations in the second and fifth years of Xuande(宣德).The policy was also basically implemented in the metropolitan examinations in the eighth year of Xuande.In the metropolitan examination of the first year of Zhengtong(正统),the quota was further subdivided into the southern,northern,and middle parts in metropolitan examinations,the admission is based on 60%,30%,and 10%respectively.In the metropolitan examination of the fourth year of Zhengtong(正统),the quota was re-established as 55%,35%,and 10%respectively.Since then,the regional admission quota system has experienced fluctuations in the quota for different districts and even a brief abolition and reformation.Since the examination in the 29th year of Jiajing(嘉靖),the admission ratio of 55%(southern part),35%(northern part),and 10%(middle part)has been implemented stably and strictly.The careful research on the above historical facts shows the imperial court’s long-term exploration and insistence on giving due consideration to examinees from regions with poor competitiveness of the imperial examination on the premise that test scores are the determining factor for admission.It also shows the extreme importance of rigorous examination of relevant historical materials and tracing to the source to identify errors in seeking historical truth.
作者 郭培贵 GUO Pei-gui(School of History,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu,Anhui,241002,China)
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期4-20,共17页 Collected Papers of History Studies
关键词 明代会试 南北卷 南北中卷 各卷区录取比例 史料考证 metropolitan examinations in the Ming Dynasty southern and northern parts southern,north-ern and middle parts admission ratio of each district the textual research of historical materials
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