

The Reform of Provincial System and the Entanglement of Provincial Power in Nanjing National Government(1928-1937)
摘要 民国初年,中央权力式微,地方势力坐大,省的地方属性不断提升,省权地位含混不清,省制争议与日俱增。南京国民政府成立后,即致力于省制改革,然缩小省区因触及地方实力派的利益成为画饼,省长制的推行因各方掣肘而步履维艰,行政督察专员制的实践亦非一帆风顺,省政府的合署办公因国民党内部意见分歧而流于形式。纵观国民政府省制改革的一个核心命题,就是加强中央对地方的管控,这不仅关系着国民政府中央权威的确立,而且关系着国民党政权的稳定。国民政府这一政治理想最终化为泡影,这不仅源于客观的国际国内环境,而且源于国民党内政治组织的分离和各方利益集团之间的权力纷争。正因国民党党、政、军、民的分离及其专制腐化的本质属性,从根本上决定了国民政府省制改革最终失败的历史命运。 In the earlier years of the Republic of China,the power of the central government declined while the local forces grew stronger,the local attributes of the province continued to raise and the status of the provincial power was ambiguous,the controversy over the provincial system increased day by day.After the establishment of Nanjing National Government,it was committed to the reform of the provincial system,but the reduction of provinces and regions is just an empty promise because it touched the interests of the local powerful factions,the implementation of the system of provincial governorship was hampered by various obstacles,the practice of the administrative inspector system was also not smooth and the co-location of the provincial government became a mere formality because of different opinions from the Kuomintang.One of the core propositions of the provincial reform of the National Government is to strengthen the control of the central government over the local areas,which is not only related to the establishment of the central authority of the National Government,but also related to the stability of the Kuomintang regime.However,the political ideal of the National Government finally came to naught,not only because of the objective international and domestic environment,but also because of the separation of political organizations within the Kuomintang and the power disputes among various interest groups.It is precisely because the Kuomintang’s separation of the party,government,military and people and its essential attribute of autocracy and corruption that it fundamentally determined the historical fate of the final failure of the reform of the provincial system of National Government.
作者 柳德军 LIU De-jun(School of History and Culture,Shaanxi Normal University,Xi’an,Shaanxi,710119,China)
出处 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第6期96-107,共12页 Collected Papers of History Studies
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“近代中国省制变革与社会变迁研究”(20&ZD232)。
关键词 省制改革 缩小省区 省长制 合署办公 reform of the provincial system the reduction of provinces and regions system of provincial governorship co-location
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