

Research on Grid Imbalance Caused by the Penetration of Photovoltaic Power Generation in Distribution Systems
摘要 分析了光伏渗透率对电网影响,对配电系统中影响电压波动的最明显因素进行模拟,以分析不同光伏渗透水平下问题的严重性,通过仿真分析,随着光伏渗透率的增加,所需的变压器抽头转换次数增加,导致变压器的使用寿命缩短,因此通过调节措施将电压调节在标准允许的范围内。 This article analyzes the impact of photovoltaic penetration rate on the power grid and simulates the most obvious factors affecting voltage fluctuations in the distribution system to analyze the severity of the problem under different levels of photovoltaic penetration.Through simulation analysis,it can be concluded that as the photovoltaic penetration rate increases,the required number of transformer tap conversions increases,leading to a shortened service life of transformers.Therefore,by adjusting measures,the voltage is adjusted within the allowable range of the standard.
作者 肖旭文 贾乐宁 王正俨 郭春生 XIAO Xu-wen;JIA Le-ning;WANG Zheng-yan;GUO Chun-sheng(Nanyang Power Supply Company of State Grid Henan Electric Power Company,Nanyang 473000,China)
出处 《电气开关》 2024年第5期67-69,75,共4页 Electric Switchgear
关键词 光伏发电 配电系统 电网不平衡 变压器抽头 photovoltaic power generation distribution system unbalanced power grid transformer tap
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