

On the long-section multi-cluster staged temporary plugging and fracturing technology in shale gas horizontal wells in eastern Sichuan
摘要 长段多簇多级暂堵压裂工艺作为改造套变井段、降低页岩气水平井压裂改造成本的有效手段,近年来逐步成为各大页岩气田争相研究的重点对象,然而由于目前对该工艺关键压裂参数的研究尚不成熟,所以应用效果参差不齐。利用室内实验、微地震、产剖测试等手段对该工艺在川东页岩气水平井中的适应性进行分析,明确该工艺优化方向,为提高该工艺压裂改造效果提供参考。 The long-section multi-cluster staged temporary plugging and fracturing technology has become a key research focus for major shale gas fields in recent years,as an effective method to stimulate casing deformation well sections and reduce fracturing costs in shale gas horizontal wells.However,the inconsistent application results are due to the immature research on key fracturing parameters.Through indoor experiments,microseismic,and production profile testing,the adaptability of this technology in shale gas horizontal wells in eastern Sichuan is analyzed,clarifying optimization directions and providing references for improving fracturing effects.
作者 黎琴 LI Qin(Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering Technology,Sinopec Jianghan Oilfield Company,Wuhan,Hubei 430000,China)
出处 《江汉石油职工大学学报》 2024年第5期28-31,共4页 Journal of Jianghan Petroleum University of Staff and Workers
关键词 川东页岩气 长段多簇 多级压裂 降本增效 eastern Sichuan shale gas long-section multi-cluster staged fracturing cost reduction and efficiency enhancement
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