

Research Progress on Microbial Methods to Improve Aroma Characteristics of Terpenes in Wine
摘要 葡萄与葡萄酒中的萜烯类化合物含量丰富、感官阈值低、花果香浓郁,是判断葡萄与葡萄酒典型性的重要依据。该文重点阐述了葡萄与葡萄酒中萜烯类化合物的形成与发展现状,对可用于改善葡萄萜烯类化合物香气特征的3种微生物手段——混菌发酵、微生物转化、搭建固定化交联酶聚合体进行了综述。深入了解微生物手段对萜烯类化合物香气特征的影响作用及机制,通过发掘葡萄酒中萜代谢的影响因子,为进一步调控葡萄酒萜烯类化合物香气特征提供理论支持。 Terpenes in Vitis and wine are rich in content,low in sensory threshold and rich in floral and fruity fragrance,which are considered to be an important basis for judging the typicality of Vitis and wines.This review focuses on elaborating the formation and development of terpenes in Vitis and wine.A review was conducted on three kinds of microbial methods can be used to improve the aroma characteristics of terpenes,including mixed fermentation,microbial transformation,as well as the construction of co-immobilized cross-linked enzyme polymers.An in-depth understanding of microbial methods influence and mechanisms on terpenes aroma,by discovering the influencing factors of terpene metabolism in wine will provide theoretical support for further regulating of aroma characteristics of wine terpenes.
作者 张倩玮 张凡 宋昊 马勇 ZHANG Qianwei;ZHANG Fan;SONG Hao;MA Yong(Beijing Industrial Technology Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 101111,China)
出处 《食品与发酵科技》 CAS 2024年第5期108-114,共7页 Food and Fermentation Science & Technology
关键词 萜烯类化合物 混菌发酵 生物转化 共同固定化 葡萄酒 terpenes mixed fermentation biotransformation co-immobilization wine
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