

Research on the Teaching Reform of Applied Mechanics of Materials Based on Goal Achievement
摘要 材料力学是工科专业一门重要的技术基础课。随着高等学校教育教学改革的不断深化,各高校技术基础课程的学时不断缩减,而当今社会对大学生工程实践能力的要求却逐年提高。材料力学课程的理论性相对较强,课程内容比较抽象,学生前期的知识储备差异性较大,并且在有限的学时内,通过理论课程的学习,同时兼顾社会和行业需求,参照工程教育认证标准,并以学校的定位和人才培养目标为基础,加强工程实践能力的培养,进而达到良好的课程教学效果,难度较大。因此,文章首先对材料力学教学内容进行重构设计,然后从有机融入课程思政元素,采用线上、线下混合式教学,案例、竞赛资源双重融入,以及优化考试考核方式四个方面进行应用型材料力学教学实施。教学成果分析表明,学生学习的积极性和主动性得到明显提升,理论知识的掌握程度和解决复杂工程问题的能力也有了显著进步,达到了良好的育人目标和教学效果。 Mechanics of materials is an important basic technical course for most engineering majors.With the deepening of education and teaching reform in colleges and universities,the teaching hours of basic technical course have been reduced,but the requirements of college students’engineering practice ability have been gradually increased.Mechanics of materials is a relatively theoretical and abstract course,and the students’knowledge reserve in the early stage varies a lot.Therefore,it is difficult to balance the sutdy of theoretical knowledge and the needs of society and the industry in the limited credit hours;in this sense,it is more difficult to strengthen students’engineering practical ability and achieve good teaching effect,which is mainly based on the certification standards of engineering education and the education orientation and the talent cultivation goal of the university.Accordingly,this paper firstly reconstructs and designs the teaching content of material mechanics,and then implements the teaching of the applied material mechanics from four aspects;that is,the organic integration of ideological and political elements into the curriculum,adopting a blended online and offline teaching approach,the dual integration of case studies and disciplinary contest resources into teaching,and the optimization of examination and assessment methods.The analysis of teaching achievements shows that the students’learning enthusiasm and initiatives as well as their mastery of theoretical knowledge and abilty to solve complex engineering problems have been significantly improved.In this sense,this teaching reform,with a good teaching effect,has achieved the goal of cultivating talents.
作者 何丽丽 周小利 郭雅欣 HE Lili;ZHOU Xiaoli;GUO Yaxin(School of Civil Engineering,Hebei University of Engineering,Handan,Hebei 056038,China)
出处 《河北工程大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第3期107-114,共8页 Journal of Hebei University of Engineering(Social Science Edition)
基金 河北省高等教育教学改革研究与实践项目(编号:2020GJJG187,2021GJJG261) 河北工程大学高等教育教学改革研究与实践项目(编号:JG2022030)。
关键词 材料力学 目标达成 应用型 案例法 工程实践 mechanics of materials goal achievement the applied type case teaching method engineering practice
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