

Strengthening and standardizing the preventive treatment for tuberculosis in comprehensive medical facilities
摘要 针对结核病发病高危人群开展预防性治疗是结核病防控工作的重要内容, 综合医疗机构承担着重要职能。本刊本期发表了《综合医疗机构结核病发病高危人群的预防性治疗专家共识》。该共识根据综合医疗机构涉及结核病发病高危人群的情况界定了预防性治疗目标人群, 针对不同人群推荐了预防性治疗时机和方案, 并对预防性治疗的管理提出了建议, 将有利于指导综合医疗机构不同学科更加规范的开展结核病预防性治疗工作。本文就该共识的形成背景和临床意义进行补充和探讨。 Preventive treatment of high-risk groups for tuberculosis is an important part of tuberculosis prevention and control strategies,and comprehensive medical facilities have an important role to play.This issue of the journal published the“Expert consensus on tuberculosis preventive treatment for individuals at high risk of developing active diseases from latent tuberculosis infection in comprehensive medical facilities”.The consensus defined the target population for tuberculosis preventive treatment,recommended the timing of treatment initiation and optional treatment regimens for different groups,and put forward suggestions for the management of preventive treatment.It helped to guide the comprehensive medical facilities to provide more standardized tuberculosis preventive treatment.This article discussed the background and clinical significance of the consensus.
作者 高磊 曹彬 Gao Lei;Cao Bin(National Institute of Pathogen Biology,Tuberculosis Research Center,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Beijing 102629,China;National Respiratory Medicine Center,National Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases and Comorbidity,National Respiratory Disease Clinical Research Center,Institute of Respiratory Diseases,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,Respiratory Center,Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine,China-Japan Friendship Hospital,Beijing 100029,China)
出处 《中华结核和呼吸杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期906-908,共3页 Chinese Journal of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
基金 中国医学科学院医学与健康科技创新工程(2021-I2M-1-037)。
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