

The Theoretical Significance of the Interaction between Global Governance and National Governance
摘要 全球治理在很大意义上因应国家治理的外部性而生。全球治理与国家治理在当今时代互动互融,相互贯通,已形成一种“整体性治理”。本文从追溯治理与善治概念的提出开始,考察了国际国内学术界关于全球治理与国家治理互动的研究进展,在此基础上,本文对全球治理与国家治理互动关系的理论要义进行了挖掘和阐述,其理论要义主要体现为:全球治理与国家治理相互推动;全球治理规范变革与国家治理制度变革相互促进;有效的治理制度和法治是治理互动达至善治效果的根基。最后本文分析了全球治理与国家治理良性互动的现实困境、出路和中国的治理变革。其中,主要大国对国家利益的片面追求导致全球“劣治”和“恶治”,大国合作关系的不确定性,国家治理能力弱化和治理能力不对称,文明排斥和极端民族主义以及有效治理制度供给不足等是阻碍全球治理与国家治理良性互动的主要障碍。坚持开放性治理,大国达成合作共识,再造和完善国家治理能力,坚持文明间的多样包容,积极推进全球有效治理制度的供给是克服各种障碍的主要出路。当下中国可以通过加强自身能力建设,为全球治理与国家治理的互动提供新的动力,以自身的治理经验和理念,重塑21世纪的全球治理秩序。 Global governance functions largely as a response to the externalities of national governance.In the present era,global governance and national governance interact and integrate with each other,forming a kind of"holistic governance".Starting from tracing the concept of governance and good governance,this paper examines the progress of international and domestic academic research on the interaction between global governance and national governance.On this basis,this paper mines and elaborates the theoretical essence of the interaction between global governance and national governance, which is mainly reflected in the followingaspects: global governance and national governance promote each other;the changeof global governance norms and the change of national governance system promoteeach other;effective governance system and the rule of law are the foundation of theinteraction of governance to achieve the effect of good governance;the identity ofglobal governance responsibility and the global identity of governance subjects arethe value source of global governance and national governance towards the overallgood governance. Finally, this paper analyzes the practical dilemmas of the benigninteraction between global governance and national governance, the way out andChina's governance change. Among them, the one-sided pursuit of national interestsby major powers leads to global "bad governance"' or "malicious governance", theuncertainty of the cooperative relationship among major powers, the weakening ofnational governance capacity and the asymmetry of governance capacity, exclusionof other civilizations and ultra-nationalism are the main obstacles hindering thebenign interaction between global governance and national governance. Thesteps, such as adhering to open governance, reaching a consensus on cooperationamong major powers, recreating and improving national governance capacity,and insisting on diversity and tolerance among civilizations, are the main waysforward to overcome the various obstacles. Today by strengthening its own capacitybuilding, China can facilitate benign interaction with the global governance system,provide new impetus for the interaction between global governance and nationalgovernance, and reshape the order of global governance in the twenty-first centurywith its own governance experience and concepts.
作者 刘贞晔 Liu Zhenye
机构地区 中国政法大学
出处 《国际观察》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第4期84-106,共23页 International Review
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“百年变局下全球化进路与人类命运共同体构建研究”(项目批准号:21&ZD173) 中央高校基本科研费资助的校级重大课题“百年变局背景下中国多边主义外交战略研究”(项目批准号:21ZFD81001) 重点课题“全球治理与国家治理互动关系研究”(项目批准号:10819376/2019)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 全球治理 国家治理 国际规范 国内政治 国家治理能力 Global Governance National Governance International Norms Domestic Politics National Governance Capacity
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