

Acquisition behavior among middle-aged and elderly people in Guangdong province
摘要 目的了解广东省中老年人心血管疾病知识的获取行为现状,为心血管疾病知识的有效传播提供有价值的参考依据。方法2023年9—10月,采用心血管疾病知识获取行为现状调查表,通过线下与线上相结合的方式对广东省中老年人进行调查分析。结果调查共获取500份有效问卷,男女比例约为2∶3。认知情况分析得出,广东省中老年人心血管疾病知识平均总得分为12.8分(总分20分),处于中等水平;性别(Z=4.504,P<0.01)和居住地(Z=2.602,P<0.01)不同的中老年人心血管疾病知识总得分不同,差异具有统计学意义。获取行为情况分析得出,中老年人获取心血管疾病知识的首要动机是满足自身疾病防治需要,另有121人纯粹是无意间听到和看到,占比近1/4;医务人员是中老年人获取心血管疾病知识最信任且最普遍的渠道,其次是家人朋友、传统媒体和纸质资料,中老年人对新媒体的信任度不如传统媒体,但微信和百度作为利用率最高的新媒体,已非常接近传统媒体;健康信息太多且良莠不齐是困扰中老年人使用新媒体获取心血管疾病知识的主要问题;86.2%的中老年人认为获取的心血管疾病知识对他们有显著效用,并将其主要用于以饮食、作息、锻炼为代表的生活方式的健康化转变上;获取偏好情况分析得出,中老年人最为关注的心血管疾病知识类型是医疗相关信息和养生保健信息,占比分别为71.40%和71.2%;具体到心血管疾病知识的呈现形式上,中老年人最喜欢视频,其次是知识讲座和宣传手册。结论广东省中老年人心血管疾病知识处于中等水平,认知存在浅层化问题,性别与城乡差异是主要影响因素;疾病防治需求驱动该人群的知识获取,其中信息偶遇现象值得关注;新媒体虽逐渐成为信息获取渠道,但在信任度方面尚有待提升;此外,知识获取对该群体的赋能效用较显著,集中表现为生活方式的健康化转变。由此可见,中老年人心血管疾病知识科普仍大有可为。 Objective To understand the current status of cardiovascular disease knowledge acquisition behavior among middle-aged and elderly people in Guangdong Province,providing valuable reference for the effective dissemination of cardiovascular disease knowledge.Methods From September to October 2023,a survey on cardiovascular disease knowledge acquisition behavior was conducted among middle-aged and elderly people in Guangdong Province using a combination of offline and online methods.Results A total of 500 valid questionnaires were collected,with a male-to-female ratio of approximately 2∶3.The analysis of cognitive status revealed that the average total score of cardiovascular disease knowledge among middle-aged and elderly people in Guangdong Province was 12.8 out of 20,indicating a moderate level.Significant differences in knowledge scores were found based on gender(Z=4.504,P<0.01)and place of residence(Z=2.602,P<0.01).The analysis of acquisition behavior showed that the primary motivation for middle-aged and elderly people to acquire cardiovascular disease knowledge was to meet their own disease prevention and treatment needs,with 121 respondents(nearly 1/4)stating that they learned this information incidentally.Doctors were the most trusted and common source of cardiovascular disease knowledge,followed by family and friends,traditional media,and printed materials.The trust in new media was lower than that in traditional media,but WeChat and Baidu,as the most utilized new media platforms,were very close to traditional media in terms of usage.The main issue hindering the use of new media for acquiring cardiovascular disease knowledge was the overwhelming and inconsistent quality of health information.A total of 86.2%of middle-aged and elderly people believed that the cardiovascular disease knowledge they acquired had significant utility,mainly applying it to health-oriented changes in lifestyle,such as diet,sleep,and exercise.The analysis of acquisition preferences found that the most sought-after types of cardiovascular disease knowledge were medical information and health preservation information,accounting for 71.4%and 71.2%,respectively.In terms of presentation formats,videos were the most favored,followed by lectures and pamphlets.Conclusion To enhance health education,doctors should be the main force in health science communication,addressing the real needs and comprehension levels of middle-aged and elderly people,leveraging close personal networks,and implementing a well-planned,comprehensive approach to health education.The content should systematically cover the entire process of health management,from prevention to treatment and rehabilitation,and extend from clinical care to everyday lifestyle considerations,incorporating multidisciplinary perspectives.
作者 郝黎 张娇 周煜 李敬华 HAO Li;ZHANG Jiao;ZHOU Yu;LI Jing-hua(Department of Propaganda,Guangdong Provincial People′s Hospital,Guangzhou 519041,Guangdong,China;不详)
出处 《广东医学》 CAS 2024年第9期1203-1210,共8页 Guangdong Medical Journal
基金 广东省医学科研基金指令性课题(C2022008)。
关键词 中老年人 心血管疾病知识 获取行为 现状分析 middle-aged and elderly people cardiovascular disease knowledge acquisition behavior analysis of existing circumstance
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