

摘要 “:双碳”目标背景下,食物碳足迹研究已逐渐成为关注热点。以哈尔滨市豪华型、高档型、舒适型3个档次酒店自助餐为研究对象,采用生命周期理论,核算食物在生产、加工、转运、消费、处理各阶段和自助餐每人每餐碳足迹。研究结果表明:哈尔滨市自助餐碳足迹为3.092~11.948 kg CO_(2eq)/(人·餐),肉类供应量高、餐厨量占比高的酒店,自助餐碳足迹相对较高。哈尔滨市餐饮餐食具有供应量大、重油、肉食为主的特点,导致人均碳足迹高于国内其他地区。研究结果为哈尔滨市餐饮温室气体减排、制定可行的低碳对策提供科学依据。 Under the background of the"dual carbon"target,research on food carbon footprint has gradually become a hot topic of attention.The study focuses on the buffet of luxury,high-end,and comfort three levels of hotel in Harbin,by using the life cycle theory,the carbon footprint of food in each stage of production,processing,transportation,consumption,and processing,as well as per person per meal in the buffet,is calculated.The research results show that the carbon footprint of buffets in Harbin is 3.092-11.948 kgCO_(2eq)/person/meal.Hotels with high meat supply and a high proportion of kitchen and meal consumption have relatively higher carbon footprint of buffets.Due to the large supply of catering and meals in Harbin,with heavy oil and meat as the main ingredients,the per capita carbon footprint is higher than other regions in China.The research results provide scientific basis for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Harbin's catering industry and developing feasible low-carbon strategies.
出处 《环境保护与循环经济》 2024年第10期98-101,共4页 environmental protection and circular economy
基金 黑龙江省生态环境厅2022年度生态环境保护科研项目(HST2022ST002)。
关键词 自助餐 碳足迹 哈尔滨 buffet carbon footprint Harbin city
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