

Research on the Policy Supply Path of Regional Secondary Vocational Education under the Perspective of Demographic Change
摘要 实现区域中等职业教育政策供给与人口高质量发展良性互动是推进教育强国建设的题中之意。我国中等职业教育发展政策调控具有指向性,区域教育政策往往聚焦于稳规模、调结构和谋出路。当前,解决区域中等职业教育生源规模问题的关键是要在应对学龄人口数量变化和持续提升人口红利需求的背景下,明确政策供给应当区分为供给型、需求型和环境型三种方式。政策供给的关键路径则包括建立区域学龄人口预测机制,统筹区域高中阶段教育资源供给;出台职普均衡融通政策,发挥区域中等职业教育教育机会供给的作用;搭建技能人才需求数字平台,引导区域中等职业教育人才培养方向;基于产业结构需求统筹中高本一体化人才培养,规范区域中等职业教育行为标准;规划适应面向终身发展与就业导向且协调融合的课程体系,科学调节区域中等职业教育的办学定位;构建高中阶段教育内部调节机制,多样化发展区域中职学校。 Realizing the positive interaction between regional secondary vocational education policy supply and the high-quality development of the population is the key to promoting the construction of a powerful country in education.China's policy regulation of secondary vocational education development is directional,and regional education policies tend to focus on stabilizing the scale,adjusting the structure and seeking a way out,Currently,the key to solving the problem of the size of the regional secondary vocational education student population is to clear that policy supply should be differentiated into supply,demand and environmental approaches in the context of responding to changes in the size of the school-age population and the need for a sustained increase in the demographic dividend.The key paths of policy supply include the establishment of a regional school-age population forecasting mechanism and the harmonization of the regional supply of resources for upper secondary education;introducing a policy of balanced integration of vocational and general education to play a role in the regional supply of educational opportunities in secondary vocational education;building a digital platform on the demand for skilled talents to guide the direction of talents cultivation in regional secondary vocational education;coordinating the integration of secondary vocational,higher vocational and undergraduate talents cultivation based on the needs of the industrial structure and standardizing the development standards regional secondary vocational education;planning a harmonized and integrated curriculum for lifelong development and employment orientation and scientifically adjusting the positioning of regional secondary vocational education;building an internal regulation mechanism for upper secondary education and diversifying the development of regional secondary vocational schools.
作者 米靖 薛利晨 MI Jing;XUE Li-chen(Tianjin University of Technology and Education,Tianjin 300222,China;Tianjin Vocational College of Mechanics and Electricity,Tianjin 300350,China)
出处 《职业教育研究》 2024年第11期55-63,共9页 Vocational Education Research
基金 2022年度天津市教育科学规划重大课题“新时代标杆城市中职改革发展的政策供给研究”(编号:AJE220004)。
关键词 人口变动 中等职业教育 政策供给 demographic change secondary vocational education policy supply
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