

Analysis of the Academic Thought of Famous Old Chinese Medicine Doctor Wang Feng in the Treatment of Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Diseases
摘要 王锋名老中医在心脑血管疾病治疗领域具有深厚的学术底蕴和丰富的临床经验。通过深入探讨王锋名老中医的学术思想,发现王锋名老中医对于心脑血管疾病的病因病机有着独到的见解。王锋名老中医认为心血管疾病多与心气不足、瘀血阻络等因素有关,而脑血管疾病则多与肝阳上亢、痰瘀互结等病机紧密相关。在治疗上,王锋名老中医强调中医的整体观念和辨证论治原则,注重调和气血、平衡阴阳。王锋名老中医凭借精湛的医术和独特的用药理念在治疗心脑血管疾病方面取得了显著成效,多数患者治疗后预后良好。通过归纳总结王锋名老中医的学术思想,有助于更好地传承和发扬中医的精髓,为更多的心脑血管疾病患者带来福音。 Famous old Chinese medicine doctor Wang Feng has profound academic background and rich clinical experience in the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.Through in-depth exploration of famous old Chinese medicine doctor Wang Feng's academic thought,t h e results show that famous old Chinese medicine doctor Wang Feng has unique views on the etiology and pathogenesis of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.Famous old Chinese medicine doctor Wang Feng thinks that cardiovascular diseases are mostly related to heart-qi deficiency,blood stasis blocking collaterals and other factors,while cerebrovascular diseases are closely related to pathogenesis such as hyperactivity of liver yang and phlegm and blood stasis.In treatment,famous old Chinese medicine doctor Wang Feng emphasized the holistic concept of TCM and the principle of syndrome differentiation and treatment,and paid attention to harmonizing qi and blood and balancing yin and yang.Famous old Chinese medicine doctor Wang Feng has made remarkable achievements in treating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases with his superb medical skills and unique drug use concept.Most patients have a good prognosis after treatment.Summarizing the academic thoughts of famous old Chinese medicine doctor Wang Feng,will help to better inherit and carry forward the essence of traditional Chinese medicine and bring good news to more patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.
作者 李莉 刘卫玲 王锋 LI Li;LIU Weiling;WANG Feng(Department of Encephalopathy,Jinan Zhangqiu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan Shandong 250200,China;Department of Cardiovascular Diseases,Jinan Zhangqiu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan Shandong 250200,China;Department of Internal Medicine of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan Zhangqiu District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan Shandong 250200,China)
出处 《中国卫生标准管理》 2024年第20期170-173,共4页 China Health Standard Management
基金 山东省中医药科技项目(Z-2023081)。
关键词 王锋 名老中医 心脑血管疾病 学术思想 整体观念 辨证论治 Wang Feng famous old Chinese medicine doctor cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases academic thought overall concept syndrome differentiation
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