

Connotation,Structure and Division Basis for Foreign Language Ability of Higher Vocational College Students under the New Curriculum Standard
摘要 根据语言、文化、思维关系研究和《高等职业教育专科英语课程标准(2021年版)》等相关理论和现实依据,可将高职生外语能力具体划分为职场涉外沟通能力、跨文化交际能力、语言思维能力和自主学习能力等几个方面,主要目的是培养高职生在经济全球化和中华民族文化复兴背景下,面向涉外职场和多元文化环境,运用外语语言顺利进行涉外职场活动、跨文化交际、有效传播中华文化的能力。 Based on the research of the relationship between language,culture and thinking,and the related theories and practical bases such as the English curriculum standard for higher vocational education(2021 edition),the foreign language ability of higher vocational college students can be divided into the following several aspects:the ability to communicate with foreigners in the workplace,the ability of cross-cultural communication,the ability of language thinking and the ability of autonomous learning,etc.,in order to train higher vocational college students’ability to successfully conduct foreign-related workplace activities,to communicate in foreign languages and to effectively disseminate Chinese culture when facing the foreign-related workplace and multi-cultural environment in the context of economic globalization and the revival of Chinese culture.
作者 李芹 李一甲 LI Qin;LI Yijia(College of Applied Foreign Languages,Guangdong Industry Polytechnic University,Guangzhou 510300,China;Admissions and Employment Guidance Center,Guangdong Polytechnic,Foshan 528000,China)
出处 《广东轻工职业技术大学学报》 2024年第5期49-52,64,共5页 Journal of Guangdong Industry Polytechnic university
基金 教育部职业院校外语教指委2022年职业教育英语课程标准与外语类专业教学标准专项课题重点项目(WYJZW-2022-19-0113)。
关键词 高职生 外语能力 结构 理论基础 现实依据 vocational college students foreign language ability structure theoretical basis realistic basis
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