

Pharmacognosy research on the leaves of the national medicine of Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.f.
摘要 目的:主要开展我国多民族用药三尖杉叶的生药学研究,为其质量标准的建立奠定基础。方法:通过文献考证和实地调研对民族药三尖杉的药用情况和资源分布进行整理;采用性状、显微、薄层色谱鉴别法研究三尖杉叶鉴定特征;采用紫外-可见分光光度法(UV-Vis)建立三尖杉总生物碱含量测定方法;采用半数致死量法考察药材急性毒性。结果:三尖杉叶在我国苗族、瑶族、汉族等多个民族均有药用,可收敛止血,主要治疗内脏出血,现代多提纯其生物碱制成注射液用于癌症治疗;其主要鉴别要点为:叶下表面具两条白色气孔带,较绿色边带宽3~5倍;粉末显微多见排列整齐的平轴式气孔;以高三尖杉酯碱为对照品建立的三尖杉叶薄层色谱鉴别法分离度高、斑点清晰,方法可行;UV-Vis测定总生物碱含量的回归方程具有良好的线性关系(r=0.9996),不同产地样品平均含量为26.82%(n=10);急毒实验结果表明:10~15g煎汤内服无毒性。结论:通过生药学研究,掌握了三尖杉叶的多民族药用和资源情况,确定了药材性状和显微鉴别特征,建立了薄层色谱鉴别和总生物碱含量测定方法,并通过安全性实验验证了其用法和用量,为保证民族药三尖杉叶临床用药的安全、有效和稳定,以及进一步开发利用提供了科学依据。 Objective:To carry out pharmacognostic research on the leaves of Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.f.(CF)used by many nationalities in China,and to lay the foundation for the establishment of its quality standards.Methods:Through literature research and field investigation,the medicinal situation and resource distribution of CF leaves were systematically sorted out.The identification characteristics of CF leaves were analyzed by traits,microscopy and thin layer chromatography.A method for the determination of total alkaloids was established by ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometry(UV-vis).The median lethal dose method was used to investigate the acute toxicity of the herbs.Results:Miao,Yao,Han and other ethnic groups in China had medicinal CF leaves,mainly used to treat visceral hemorrhage.In modern times,CF leaves alkaloids was extracted to prepare injection for cancer treatment.The identification points of medicinal properties were as follows:there were two white stomatal bands on the lower surface of the leaf,which were 3 to 5 times wider than the green edge.The main microscopic characteristics of the powder were as follows:neatly arranged flat axis pores were common.Using homoharringtonine as reference substance,the feasible TLC method for identification of CF leaves had high separation and clear spots.There was a good linear relationship of the regression equation of the total alkaloid content in CF leaves by UV-vis spectrophotometry(r=0.9996),and the average content of the samples from different regions was 26.82%(n=10).The results of acute toxicity test showed that 10-15 g decoction had no toxicity when taken orally.Conclusion:Through the research,the multi-ethnic medicinal and resource situation of CF leaves is understood.The characters and microscopic identification characteristics of the medicinal materials is determined.The methods of TLC identification and total alkaloid content determination are established,and the dosage of the medicinal materials are determined through the safety experiment,which provides a scientific basis for ensuring the safety,effectiveness and stability of the clinical use of the ethnic medicine CF leaves,as well as the further development and utilization.
作者 先蕊 李倩 卿艳 赵璐璐 郑雯 兰志琼 李敏 XIAN Rui;LI Qian;QIN Yan;ZHAO Lulu;ZHEN Wen;LAN Zhiqiong;LI Min(School of Pharmacy,State Key Laboratory of Southwest Chinese Medicine Resources,Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Chengdu 611132,Sichuan;Key Laboratory of Quality Evaluation of Chinese Patent Medicine,Sichuan Academy of Drug Testing,State Drug Administration,Chengdu 611731,Sichuan)
出处 《中药与临床》 2024年第4期24-31,共8页 Pharmacy and Clinics of Chinese Materia Medica
基金 四川省药品监督管理局中药(民族药)标准提升项目(510201202102305)。
关键词 民族药 三尖杉叶 调研 性状和显微鉴定 薄层色谱 急性毒性 National medicine Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.f.leaves research macroscopic and microscopic identification thin layer chromatography acute toxicity
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