

How does Empathetic Leadership Affect Employees'Workplace Well-Being:Based on the Cognitive-Affective Dual Pathway Mechanism
摘要 领导行为与员工工作幸福感关系研究备受关注。共情型领导以觉知员工处境、理解情绪及引起情感共鸣等方式加强与员工的关系连接,目前已发展成为一种新兴且有效的领导风格。然而,共情型领导研究现处于起步阶段,其对员工工作幸福感的影响机制缺乏较为全面的实证探讨。基于认知-情感个性系统理论视角,以关系认同、情绪耗竭为中介变量,以工作嵌入为调节变量,构建共情型领导对员工工作幸福感影响的被调节双中介模型,探索共情型领导对员工工作幸福感的作用机制。通过三阶段收集配对的454份有效样本数据实证分析发现:共情型领导对员工工作幸福感存在显著正向影响,关系认同和情绪耗竭在共情型领导和员工工作幸福感之间起双中介作用,工作嵌入在认知路径上正向调节共情型领导通过关系认同影响员工工作幸福感的间接效应,在情感路径上负向调节共情领导通过情绪耗竭影响员工工作幸福感的间接效应。本研究揭示了中国情境下共情型领导促进员工工作幸福感的认知-情感双路径中介机制及边界条件,丰富了共情型领导本土化研究,为新时代组织管理者增强员工工作幸福感提供了管理启示。 Research on the relationship between prosocial leadership behaviors and employees' workplace well-being has received considerable attention. Empathetic leadership has emerged as an effective leadership style that strengthens relationships with employees by demonstrating awareness of their situations,understanding their emotions,and evoking emotional resonance. However,research on empathetic leadership is still in its infancy,and there has been no comprehensive empirical exploration of its impact on employees' workplace well-being.To address this gap,a moderated dual mediating model based on cognitive-affective personality system theory was constructed. This model considers relational identification and emotional exhaustion as mediating variables and job embeddedness as a moderating variable,with the aim of uncovering the underlying mechanism and the boundary conditions of the relationship between empathetic leadership and employees' workplace well-being.To test these hypotheses,we designed a three-wave longitudinal data collection design,with samples from high-tech firms engaged in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries in three cities:Shenzhen,Wuhan,and Suzhou.At Time 1,we measured empathetic leadership and control variables.Two months later,at Time 2,we measured relational identification,emotional exhaustion,and job embeddedness.After another two months,we measured employees' workplace well-being at Time 3. After three stages of longitudinal data matching,we ended up with 454 valid samples. We used hierarchical regression analysis and bootstrapping method to test the research hypotheses on Mplus7.0 software.Through three-wave data analysis using SPSS 20.0 and Mplus7.0,we found the following research results:(1) Empathetic leadership had a significantly positive effect on employees' workplace well-being;(2) Empathetic leadership promoted employees' workplace workplace well-being through dual mediating pathways:a cognitive pathway and an affective pathway.Specifically,empathetic leadership not only enhanced employees' relational identification(cognitive pathway),but also reduced their emotional exhaustion(affective pathway),thereby promoting employees' workplace well-being;(3) Job embeddedness positively moderated the relationship between empathetic leadership and relational identification,and negatively moderated the relationship between empathetic leadership and emotional exhaustion;(4) Job embeddedness also positively moderated the indirect effect of empathetic leadership on employees' workplace well-being through relational identification on the cognitive pathway,and negatively moderates the indirect effect of empathetic leadership on employees' workplace well-being through emotional exhaustion on the affective pathway.When employees had higher job embeddedness,empathetic leadership strengthened their relational identification,thus promoting employees' workplace well-being. However,when employees had lower job embeddedness,empathetic leadership alleviated their emotional exhaustion,thereby enhancing employees' workplace well-being.Our findings confirm that empathetic leadership has a significant positive effect on employees' workplace well-being.Based on the cognitive-affective personality system theory,we have constructed a dual pathway of cognitive and affective mediation,which comprehensively reveals the mechanism of empathetic leadership on employees' workplace well-being.This research extends the understanding of empathetic leadership as an emerging leadership style in organizations. In addition,we have identified the boundary condition of the dual pathway mechanism of empathetic leadership on employees' workplace well-being.In terms of practical implications,our research suggests that managers should adopt an empathetic leadership style to enhance employees' workplace well-being in organizations. By focusing on strengthening employees' relational identification and reducing their emotional exhaustion,managers can develop targeted strategies to improve employees' workplace well-being,taking into account their job embeddedness.
作者 卫武 黎金荣 WEI Wu;LI Jin-rong(School of Economics and Management,Wuhan University,Wuhan,Hubei,430072,China)
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第9期69-87,共19页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目“共情型领导的概念内涵、形成机制及其多层次影响效应研究:基于人工智能情境”(72472121) 国家自然科学基金项目“新冠肺炎疫情对中小企业生存的影响:机制分析和对策研究”(72073102)。
关键词 共情型领导 关系认同 情绪耗竭 工作嵌入 工作幸福感 empathetic leadership relational identification emotional exhaustion job embeddedness workplace well-being
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