

Relationship between satisfaction with team construction and willingness to hold a position again in a school among postgraduate supervisors in clinical medicine
摘要 目的了解我国临床医学研究生导师在导师队伍建设方面的满意度和职业倦怠情况,分析二者与学校再次任职意愿的关系。方法调查覆盖3409名临床医学研究生导师(分布于33所院校),采用方差分析、多重线性回归分析和logistic回归分析来探究导师队伍建设满意度、职业倦怠及学校再任意愿的关系。结果临床医学研究生导师队伍建设满意度各维度中,遴选机制得分最高(4.74±0.53),其次为遴选指标(4.71±0.56)、导师培训(4.66±0.58)、导师考核(4.64±0.65)、教学激励(4.61±0.65)和职业发展(4.56±0.74)。遴选指标(OR=2.121)和职业发展(OR=2.461)与学校再次任职意愿正相关,职业倦怠的玩世不恭维度在导师队伍建设满意度与学校再次任职意愿之间起部分中介作用。结论我国临床医学研究生导师对导师队伍建设较为满意,其满意度和职业倦怠影响导师学校再次任职意愿,高校应优化遴选指标,为导师提供更多元的职业发展机会,促进导师满意度与忠诚度的提高。 Objective To investigate the satisfaction with team construction and occupational burnout among postgraduate supervisors in clinical medicine in China,and to analyze the relationship of the above two factors with the willingness to hold a position again in the school.Methods A survey covering 3409 postgraduate supervisors in clinical medicine across 33 colleges and universities was conducted.Analysis of variance,multiple linear regression analysis,and logistic regression analysis were performed to explore the relationship of satisfaction with team construction and occupational burnout with the willingness to hold a position again in the school among supervisors.Results In various dimensions of satisfaction with team construction among postgraduate supervisors in clinical medicine,the mechanism of selection scored the highest(4.74±0.53),followed by indicators for selection(4.71±0.56),supervisor training(4.66±0.58),supervisor assessment(4.64±0.65),incentives for teaching(4.61±0.65),and career development(4.56±0.74).Indicators for selection(OR=2.121)and career development(OR=2.461)were positively correlated with supervisors'willingness to hold a position again in the school.The degree of being cynical,one of the assessment dimensions of occupational burnout,played a partially mediating role between satisfaction with supervisor team construction and the willingness to hold a position again in the school.Conclusions Postgraduate supervisors in clinical medicine in China are generally satisfied with supervisor team construction.The degree of their satisfaction and occupational burnout influence their willingness to hold a position again in the school.Therefore,colleges and universities should optimize indicators for selection and provide more diverse career development opportunities for supervisors to enhance supervisors'satisfaction and loyalty.
作者 刘梦荃 严琪 贾金忠 朱泉熔 王志锋 徐明 Liu Mengquan;Yan Qi;Jia Jinzhong;Zhu Quanrong;Wang Zhifeng;Xu Ming(Department of Health Policy and Management,Peking University School of Public Health,Beijing 100191,China;Branch Society Secretariat Office,Graduate School of Peking University Health Science Center,Beijing 100191,China;Research Center for Medical Degree and Graduate Education,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China;Center for Health Policy and Technology Assessment,Peking University School of Medicine,Beijing 100191,China;Graduate School of Peking University Health Science Center,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《中华医学教育探索杂志》 2024年第9期1176-1181,共6页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
基金 中国研究生院院长联席会2022年研究生教育课题立项资助项目(ACGS04-2022008)。
关键词 导师队伍建设 职业倦怠 学校再次任职意愿 临床医学研究生 导师 Supervisor team construction Occupational burnout Willingness to hold a position again in the school Postgraduate in clinical medicine Supervisor
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