

A Study on the Cross-district Allocation Strategy of Provincial Basic Education Resources in the Context of Population Change
摘要 低生育率与少子化、区域人口增减分化给优化区域教育资源配置带来严峻挑战,建立同人口变化相协调的基本公共教育服务供给机制迫在眉睫,教育资源跨区流动是优化区域教育资源配置的应有之义。以江苏省为例,利用全国人口普查资料和其他人口统计资料,研究得知江苏省各区域间以及区域内的基础教育学龄人口现状存在差异。而全省出生人口的减少将对学龄人口规模产生缩减效应,但人口迁移流动能缓冲这种缩减效应。未来苏南地区将主要表现为迁移人口主增或出生人口主减模式,苏中和苏北地区将主要表现为出生人口主减或出生、迁移人口双减模式。在此背景下,宜采取“以空间换时间”的思路,在省域范围内进行基础教育资源跨区配置既有必要,也有回旋余地。基于此,可探索教师、学生、经费与学校的跨区配置策略,并以渐次推进、因地制宜的方式推进教育体制机制改革。 The low fertility rate and childlessness,as well as the divergence of regional population growth and decline,have posed a serious challenge to the optimal allocation of regional educational resources,and the establishment of a mechanism for the provision of basic public education services that is coordinated with demographic change is a pressing task.Exploring the cross-district allocation of educational resources is a necessity to optimize the allocation of regional educational resources.Taking Jiangsu Province as an example,using the data of national population census and other demographic statistics,it is known that there are differences in the status quo of elementary education school-age population among and within various regions in Jiangsu Prov-ince.The decrease of birth population in the province will have a reduction effect on the size of school-age population,but population migration can alleviate this reduction effect.In the future,the south of Jiangsu is to show a pattern of migration population increase or birth population decrease,and the central and north of Jiangsu is to show the pattern of birth population decrease or birth and migration population decrease.Against this backdrop,it is appropriate to adopt the idea of“exchanging space for time”to allocate basic education re-sources within provincial boundaries,which is both necessary and leeway.Based on this,it is possible to ex-plore cross-district allocation strategies for teachers,students,funding and schools,and to promote reforms of the education system and mechanisms in a gradual and locally adapted manner.
作者 杨慧康 陈友华 YANG Huikang;CHEN Youhua(School of Social and Behavioral Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023)
出处 《人口与社会》 2024年第5期15-27,共13页 Population and Society
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“人口高质量发展视角下积极应对老龄化问题研究”(23&ZD186)。
关键词 人口变动 学龄人口 区域教育资源配置 教育资源 基础教育 教育公平 demographic change school-age population regional education resource allocation educational resources basic education educational equality
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