

Jurisprudential basis and system on regional coordination in warning of public health events
摘要 我国突发公共卫生事件预警系统依托科层制行政组织架构,呈现出纵向层面预警制度完善、信息网络发达而横向层面预警制度空白、信息延滞的偏态分布。在地方政府、职能部门、医疗机构等多方主体参与的预警博弈中,因横向预警权限配置机制缺位,地方应急的主动性和积极性受到抑制。遵循中央统一领导、地方属地管理原则,择定适宜我国突发公共卫生事件预警区域协作的分级分工模式。通过厘定保护公众健康权益、符合预警信息的动态性特征和近地效应的基本原则,构筑分级分工协助模式的法理基础;从制定突发公共卫生事件应对法的宏观基本立法,完善地方公共卫生事件应急预案的中观次级立法,到指引地方政府签订区域合作协议的微观社会机制三个层面,疏通分级分工协助模式的法治进路;在预警标准对接、信息通报、监督与反馈以及信息共享与科研合作等方面,夯实分级分工协助模式的制度构建。 The early warning system of public health emergency in our country which relies on executive organizational-hierarchy,presents as a skewness distribution with complete system and developed information network in vertical-lay accord,but blank in the law and information delay in horizontal-lay accord.The initiative and motivation of local authorities can't bring into play,because the mechanism of early warning right setting in horizontal-lay accord is absent,when local governments,functional departments and medical facilities have involved in early warning game.The principles include unified leadership of the central government and localized management of the local governments.The classification and division of function mode between different administrative areas should be suitable for early warning system of public health emergency in our country.The legal basis of the classification and division of function mode should be built on the basic principles,which the public health right should be protected,the early warning information shall meet dynamic characteristic,and early warning information must be got from the region nearest to the public health events.The legal path of the classification and division of function mode should be opened from three levels:the macroscopic regulation on making the law of public health emergency response,the medium-scopic regulation on improving the emergency plan of public health events in local authorities,and the microscopic regulation by guiding the local authorities to sign the regional coordination agreement.The system of the classification and division of function mode should be constructed of the coordination on early warning standards,the information notification of the early warning,the information supervision and feed back to the government department,the information sharing and scientific cooperation.
作者 李棠洁 曾益康 Li Tangjie;Zeng Yikang(School of Health Management,Guangzhou Medical University,Guangzhou 511436,China;Guangzhou Medical University Health Rule of Law and Policy Research Center,Guangzhou 511436,China)
出处 《卫生法学》 2024年第6期60-66,共7页 Health Law
基金 2020年教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“粤港澳大湾区医疗纠纷协同解决机制立法研究”(20YJC820023)的研究成果 四川省哲学社会科学重点项目“城市医联体与网络化背景下之重大疫情防控法律问题研究”(YF20-Z07)的研究成果。
关键词 突发公共卫生事件预警 区域协作 分级分工模式 Early warning of public health events Regional coordination Classification and division of function mode
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