
Embracing a Broader View and Cutting Through the Fog of Challenges to Advancee High-Quality Development of Greater BRiCS Cooperation Statement at the XVI BRICS Summit

登高望远,穿云破雾 推动“大金砖合作”高质量发展——在金砖国家领导人第十六次会陪上的讲话
摘要 Your Excellency President Vladimir Putin,Colleagues,First of all,I wish to extend my warm congratulations on the successful opening of this summit.I also wish to thank President Putin and our host Russia for the thoughtful arrangements and warm hospitality.I would like to take this opportunity to once again welcome new members to our BRICS family.The enlargement of BRICS is a major milestone in its history,and a landmark event in the evolution of the international situation.At this summit,we have decided to invite many countries to become partner countries,which is another major progress in the development of BRICS.As we Chinese often say,"A man of virtue regards righteousness as the greatest interest."It is for our shared pursuit and for the overarching trend of peace and development that we BRICS countries have come together.We must make full use of this summit,maintain the momentum of BRICS,and consider and devise our strategy to address issues that have a global impact,determine our future direction,and possess strategic significance.We must build on this milestone summit to set off anew and forge ahead with one heart and one mind. 尊敬的普京总统,各位同事:祝贺峰会成功召开,感谢普京总统及东道主俄罗斯的周到安排和热情接待。我想借此机会再次欢迎新成员加入金砖大家庭。扩员是金砖发展史上的重要里程碑,也是国际格局演变的标志性事件。这次峰会我们又决定邀请多个国家成为金砖伙伴国。这是金砖发展过程中的又一个重要进展。中国人常讲:“君子处事,于义合者为利。”金砖国家走到一起,是基于共同追求,顺应世界和平和发展大势。我们要利用好这次峰会,保持好金砖发展势头,谋划好全局性、方向性、战略性问题,同心同德,勇毅前行,推动金砖国家集体再出发。
作者 Xi Jinping 习近平
机构地区 不详
出处 《Beijing Review》 2024年第45期I0001-I0003,共3页 北京周报(英文版)








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