

Effects of Different Microbial Agents on Soil Fertility and Fruit Quality in Orchards
摘要 【目的】测定不同微生物菌剂处理对土壤肥力及苹果果实品质的影响,为苹果园合理施肥及优质栽培提供依据。【方法】以烟富苹果为研究对象,在牛粪中添加不同微生物菌剂(哈茨木霉、BFA、解淀粉芽孢杆菌和枯草芽孢杆菌),研究其对土壤营养状况、树体生长、叶片光合、果实品质等指标的影响。【结果】1)在牛粪中添加不同微生物菌剂,能够明显促进土壤中速效氮、速效磷、速效钾等速效养分含量的增加。牛粪结合不同微生物菌剂能显著促进富士苹果树体生长发育。当年生枝条长度增加7.6%~63.6%,叶绿素含量提高7.3%~11.6%。BFA菌剂处理的叶片光合效率最高,苹果树叶片的净光合速率、蒸腾速率、胞间CO_(2)浓度和气孔导度比CK分别增加了26.7%、11.4%、22.8%和11.9%。BFA菌剂对于新梢增粗效果最明显,比CK增加了63.1%。2)牛粪结合不同微生物菌剂使苹果果实品质明显提高。不同微生物菌剂处理下苹果单果质量均有所增加,增幅为12.4%~23.2%,4个微生物菌剂处理均与CK差异显著,其中枯草芽孢杆菌效果最好。BFA菌剂增加果实可溶性固形物质量分数提升效果最为显著。牛粪结合微生物菌剂能明显降低可滴定酸含量,比CK降低了25.6%~48.7%。【结论】所有处理中,牛粪结合BFA菌剂对于改良果园土壤、促进树体生长和提高果实品质的效果最明显。 【Objective】The effect of different microbial agent treatment on soil fertility and apple fruit quality was determined to provide a basis for rational fertilization and high-quality cultivation in apple orchard.【Methods】Taking Yanfu as the research object,using cow manure combined with different bacterial agents(Trichoderma harzianum,BFA,Bacillus amyloliquefaciens,and Bacillus subtilis)as a measure to improve orchard soil conditions,the effects of its treatment on soil nutrition,tree growth,leaf photosynthesis,fruit quality,etc.were studied.【Results】1)adding different bacterial agents to cow manure significantly promoted the content of soil available nitrogen,available phosphorus,and available potassium.The combination of cow manure and different bacterial agents significantly promotes the growth and development of Fuji apple trees.The new branch length of apple trees increased by 7.6%~63.6%in the current year,and the chlorophyll content increased by 7.3%~11.6%.Among the four treatments,the BFA bacterial agent treatment had the highest leaf photosynthetic efficiency.The net photosynthetic rate,transpiration rate,intercellular CO_(2) concentration,and stomatal conductance of apple leaves increased by 26.7%,11.4%,22.8%,and 11.9%compared to CK,respectively.The BFA bacterial agent showed the most significant effect on the slightly thickened surface,increasing by 63.1%compared to CK.2)The combination of cow manure and different bacterial agents significantly improves the quality of fruit.The combination of cow manure and bacterial agents increased the weight of single apple fruit,with an increase of 12.4%~23.2%.The four bacterial agent treatments showed significant differences compared to CK,with Bacillus subtilis showing the most significant increase in single fruit weight.Among the effects of cow manure combined with bacterial agents on soluble solids in fruits,BFA bacterial agent increased soluble solids the most significantly.Cow manure combined with bacterial agent can significantly reduce titratable acid,which is 25.6%~48.7%lower than CK.【Conclusion】Among several cow manure combined with bacterial agent measures,BFA bacterial agent improved soil and improved fruit quality,increasing tree growth,and the effect was the most significant.
作者 李百云 许泽华 郭鑫年 周涛 贾永华 LI Baiyun;XU Zehua;GUO Xinnian;ZHOU Tao;JIA Yonghua(Horticultural Research Institute,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan Ningxia 750002,China;Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment,Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan Ningxia 750002,China;Ningxia Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Yinchuan Ningxia 750002,China)
出处 《果树资源学报》 2024年第6期55-60,共6页 Journal of Fruit Resources
基金 宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划项目(2023BCF01049,2021BBF2011) 宁夏农林科学对外交流项目(DW-X-202101) 财政部和农业农村部国家现代农业产业技术体系资助项目(CARS-27)。
关键词 土壤改良 果实 产量 富士 soil improvement fruit output fuji
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