

A Practical Study on the"Excellent Class Teacher"Intervention Program to Enhance Class Management Skills of Pre-service Teachers
摘要 目的:检验含班级管理策略工具包、反思日记和小组督导三个核心要素的“卓越班主任”干预项目对提升师范实习生班级管理能力的作用,探索师范实习生班级管理能力的培养方法。方法:采用准实验前后比较组设计,6名师范实习生及所带班级的178名学生参加13周干预,6名师范实习生及所带班级的163名学生作为对照组。采用实习师范生及所带班级学生在干预开始和结束时填写的问卷数据评估干预效果。结果:与未参加干预的实习师范生相比,参加干预的师范实习生的管理效能感显著提升;实习师范生自我报告的积极管理行为显著增加,学生报告的实习师范生积极管理行为没有显著变化;实习师范生自我报告的消极管理行为没有显著变化,学生报告的实习师范生消极管理行为显著减少;班级秩序纪律有所提升,师生关系和同学关系没有显著变化;学生外化问题行为和亲社会行为没有显著变化。结论:“卓越班主任”干预项目可一定程度提升师范实习生的班级管理能力。 Objective:To test the effect of the"Excellent Class Teacher"intervention projects which includes class management strategy toolkit,reflective diary,and peer supervision on cultivating the class management ability of teacher trainees,exploring methods for cultivating class management abilities of pre-service teachers.Method:A quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test group design was adopted.Six interning pre-service teachers and 178 students from their class participated in a 14 week intervention,with other pre-service teachers and 163 students from their class as the control group.The effectiveness of the intervention was assessed using questionnaires completed by the trainees and their students at the beginning and end of the intervention.Result:Compared to the control group,the intervention group showed a significant increase in the Interning pre-service teachers'sense of management efficacy.Self-reported positive management behaviors of the trainees significantly increased,while students'reports of these behaviors did not show significant changes.The self-reported negative management behaviors of the trainees remained unchanged,but students reported a significant decrease in these behaviors.There was an improvement in class order and discipline,but no significant changes were observed in teacher-student relationships or peer relationships.Additionally,there were no significant changes in students'externalizing problem behaviors or prosocial behaviors.Conclusion:The"Excellent Class Teacher"intervention program can enhance class management abilities of Interning pre-service teachers to a certain extent.
作者 谢其利 张睿 陈冰洁 XIE Qi-li;ZHANG Rui;CHEN Bing-jie(Department of Mental Health Education and Consultation Center,Guizhou Education University,Guiyang,Guizhou,550018)
出处 《贵州师范学院学报》 2024年第10期57-66,共10页 Journal of Guizhou Education University
基金 贵州省高等学校教学内容和课程体系改革项目“‘U—S模式’下师范生班级管理能力培养研究”(2021193)。
关键词 师范实习生 班级管理能力 干预 准实验研究 Pre-service Teachers Class Management Ability Intervention Quasi Experimental Research
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