
人工智能素养的概念、框架与教育 被引量:2

Concept,Framework and Education for Artificial Intelligence Literacy
摘要 文章利用系统综述法,从人工智能素养的概念、框架及应用、教育三个方面对国内外人工智能素养研究文献进行系统研究。研究发现:人工智能素养是国内外学术研究关注的热点方向,但人工智能素养概念尚未形成共识;适用K12和大学生群体的人工智能素养框架与素养教育研究成果较多;人工智能素养研究处于初期阶段,人工智能素养应用工具尚未成熟,国内人工智能素养教育方案和方法需要继续摸索。文章建议持续推进人工智能素养基础理论研究;深化人工智能素养框架,丰富素养框架应用研究;加强多主体参与、跨学科协作的本土化人工智能素养教育研究。 Using the systematic review method,this article systematically studies the domestic and international research literature on artificial intelligence(AI)literacy,focusing on its concept,framework and application,and education.The study shows that AI literacy is a hotspot for academic research at home and abroad,but there is no consensus on the concept of AI literacy;there are more AI literacy frameworks and literacy education research results applicable to K12 and college students;AI literacy research is at an early stage,the application tools of AI literacy have not yet matured,and the domestic AI literacy education programs and methods need to be further explored.It is recommended to continuously promote the research on the basic theories of AI literacy,deepen the framework of AI literacy,enrich the research on the application of the framework of AI literacy,and strengthen the research on localized AI literacy education with multi-subject participation and interdisciplinary collaboration.
作者 施雨 茆意宏 SHI Yu;MAO Yihong
出处 《图书馆论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第11期90-100,共11页 Library Tribune
基金 国家社会科学基金:重点项目“数智时代阅读服务转型研究”(项目编号:21ATQ003)研究成果。
关键词 人工智能 人工智能素养 教育 artificial intelligence artificial intelligence literacy education
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