

English Translation of Chinese Minority Nationalities Culture from the Perspective of Inter Cultural Communication
摘要 少数民族文化英译的研究对于推动多元一体的中华文明走向世界具有特殊的学术和现实意义,但目前学界对此的相关讨论较少且主要集中在“怎么译”等技术层面上。少数民族文化英译需要跨越更多的语言和文化障碍,从跨文化传播视域下进行研究是十分必要的。该文从提升少数民族文化跨文化传播效果出发,运用受众中心理论、文化翻译理论、中华文明多元一体理论对少数民族文化英译问题进行了跨学科的探讨,指出应拓展少数民族文化英译范围,构建少数民族文化英译平台,搭建英译团队,根据具体翻译实践的目的采用以深度翻译为主的多种翻译策略,以此提升少数民族文化英译的跨文化传播效果。 The study of English translation of minority nationalities'culture plays a very important role in improving world's understanding of the pattern of diversity in the unity of Chinese culture.The author believes the purpose of English translation of minority nationalities'culture is to improve the effect of inter cultural communication.Therefore,it's very necessary to study the English translation of minority nationalities'culture from the perspective of inter cultural communication.Audience-centered theory,culture translation theory and diversity in the unity of Chines culture are discussed in the essay and be regarded as theoretical guidelines of English translation of minority nationalities'culture.Then the strategies of English translation practice are proposed.Firstly,we should expand the the scope of translation from minority nationalities'literature of their culture,which may include various forms,carriers and levels.A systematic platform should be established to integrate the English translation of minority nationalities'culture into the translation and inter cultural communication of Chinese culture,and to facilitate the cooperation of translators,publishers,inter cultural institutions and cultural tourism industries.The members of translation team should come from multi-cultural and educational background.Lastly,deep translation is probably the best strategy in minority nationalities'culture translation,but the translators should be able to adopt appropriate translation strategies according to different translation purposes.
作者 刘刚凤 LIU Gangfeng(Chengdu Textile College,Chengdu Sichuan,611731,China)
出处 《文化创新比较研究》 2024年第27期156-160,共5页 Comparative Study of Cultural Innovation
基金 国家民委“一带一路”国别和区域研究中心南亚文化研究中心项目(项目编号:NYYJZD006)阶段性研究成果。
关键词 少数民族文化 翻译 跨文化传播 受众中心 文化翻译 中华民族多元一体 Chines minority nationalities'culture English translation Inter cultural communication Audience-centered Culture translation Diversity in the unity of Chinese culture








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