China's traditional higher education system completed the"mutation"modernization in just a few decades at the end of the Qing Dynasty.From the perspective of historical institutional-ism,the historical evolution of China's higher education modernization in the late Qing Dynasty was divided into four stages:"official school,academy-imperial examination model","special university model","comprehensive university model"and"the establishment of modern higher education sys-tem".On the path of change,the modernization of China's higher education in the late Qing Dynas-ty showed the characteristics of"from path dependence to path mutation",the university model"from division to combination",and the education system"from nonexistence to pass into exis-tence".In terms of power mechanism,war is the direct cause of the"mutation"modernization of China's higher education in the late Qing Dynasty,the eastward movement of Western learning is the internal power of the"mutation"modernization of China's higher education in the late Qing Dy-nasty,and factional struggle is the accelerated means of the"mutation"modernization of China's higher education.
Meitan Higher Education
late Qing Dynasty
"mutation"modernization of higher education
historical institutionalism