

Exploration of the Integrated Training Path for College Students in Ice and Snow Sports in Heilongjiang Province--Based on the synergistic educational role played by colleges and universities and communities
摘要 高校与社区具有各自的资源和优势,能够从不同方面促进大学生冰雪体育培养,推动两者的融合与协同更符合时代发展需要。通过对黑龙江省高校与社区冰雪体育融合培养现状进行分析,发现存在政策要求难落地,长效机制不健全;双方需求不对等,融合利益有冲突;场地资源受限制,安全管理难协调;协同理念不深入,融合思想待引导等诸多瓶颈。提出完善政策物质保障,纾解融合机制卡点;联合开展冰雪活动,增进高校社区联系;有效发挥特征优势,做好双向资源共享;创新融合发展模式,营造协同育人环境等优化路径。通过构建黑龙江省大学生冰雪体育融合培养新格局,使高校与社区得以充分发挥协同育人作用,提升黑龙江省大学生冰雪体育人才培养质量,以期进一步维护和巩固“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”战略成果。 Colleges and universities and communities have their own resources and advantages,they can promote the cultivation of ice and snow sports for college students from different aspects.Promoting the integration and synergy of the two is more in line with the development needs of the times.By analyzing the current situation of the integrated training path for colleges and universities and communities in ice and snow sports in Heilongjiang Province,it is found that there are many bottlenecks,such as difficult to implement the policy requirements and incomplete long-term mechanism;unequal demand from both sides and conflicting interests of integration;restricted venue resources and difficult coordination of safety management;and the concept of synergy is not indepth,and the integration of ideas is to be guided.To address these bottlenecks,this paper proposes optimizing policy and material support to resolve integration hurdles,jointly organizing ice and snow activities to strengthen university-community ties,leveraging unique advantages to facilitate bidirectional resource sharing,and innovating collaborative development models to create an environment conducive to joint education.By building a new pattern of integration and training of university students in ice and snow sports in Heilongjiang Province,colleges and universities and communities can give full play to the role of synergistic training,and improve the quality of training of college students in ice and snow sports in Heilongjiang Province,with a view to further safeguarding and consolidating the results of the strategy of“driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports”.
作者 佟彬 王晓伟 王寿秋 冯宇 TONG Bin;WANG Xiaowei;WANG Shouqiu;FENG Yu(Department of Physical Education,Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology,Harbin 150022,China;Department of Physical Education,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China)
出处 《冰雪运动》 2024年第5期60-63,69,共5页 China Winter Sports
基金 黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划项目(21TYE352)。
关键词 冰雪体育 融合培养 高校与社区 协同育人 黑龙江省 大学生 ice and snow sports integrated training colleges and universities and communities collaborative education Heilongjiang Province college students
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