

Research on End Delivery Service Design based on Value
摘要 随着近年来电子商务的迅猛发展,快递包裹的流通日益升高,城市末端配送面临的快递配送压力越来越大。一方面,传统的配送方式依赖于专门的快递公司来进行包裹派送,导致劳动力成本和空间占有率的上升;另一方面,由于现代城市充满了可多元利用的闲散资源,如私家车、出租车及顺路人员,使得末端配送模式的创新整合越渐必要。为此,如何带动社会可利用资源走向绿色可持续的配送未来,从全局性和共创性上优化服务模式,成为改善现有配送问题的关键。文章将末端配送服务作为研究对象,通过对价值共创理论的分析与研究,旨在提出一种价值实现导向的用户积极参与末端配送的服务设计方法,发掘末端配送服务优化的新可能性。 With the rapid development of e-commerce in recent years,the circulation of express parcels has significantly increased,placing greater pressure on last-mile delivery in urban areas.On one hand,traditional delivery methods rely on dedicated courier companies for parcel distribution,leading to rising labor costs and spatial occupancy.On the other hand,modern cities are filled with underutilized resources,such as private cars,taxis,and individuals traveling in the same direction,making the innovation and integration of last-mile delivery models increasingly necessary.Therefore,how to leverage social resources toward a green and sustainable delivery future and optimize service models from a holistic and co-creative perspective has become key to addressing existing delivery issues.This study focuses on last-mile delivery services as the research subject,aiming to propose a service design method foruser active participation in last-mile delivery based on value realization-oriented value co-creation theory.The goal is to explore new possibilities for optimizing last-mile delivery services.
作者 丁满 杨熙 Ding Man;Yang Xi(School of Architecture&Art Design HeBei University of Technology,Tianjin 300131,China)
出处 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2024年第10期115-117,共3页 Art and Design
关键词 末端配送 价值共创 协同设计 服务设计 last-mile delivery:value co-creation collaborative design service design
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