

Advances in magnetic seizure therapy for mental disorders
摘要 磁抽搐治疗是在电抽搐技术和重复经颅磁刺激技术基础上改良的新型神经调控技术,具有无创、聚焦及易于靶向治疗点位的特点,发挥神经调节作用的同时对认知功能影响较小,目前已被应用于抑郁症、双相障碍及精神分裂症等多种精神障碍的干预研究,但有待进一步临床研究及证据。本文对磁抽搐治疗作用机制、治疗设置以及疗效和安全性等方面进行总结与讨论。 Magnetic seizure therapy(MST)is a new neuromodulation technique which is developed based on repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and electroconvulsive therapy(ECT).The non-invasive,focused,and targeted stimulation provided by MST has the advantage of preserving cognitive functions while exerting a neuromodulatory effect.MST has been applied in intervention studies for various mental disorders such as depressive disorder,bipolar disorder,and schizophrenia,but further clinical research and evidence are needed.This review summarizes the mechanisms,current treatment procedure,clinical efficacy,and safety profile of MST.
作者 高梦伊 蒋江灵 李春波 Gao Mengyi;Jiang Jiangling;Li Chunbo(Psychiatry Department,Shanghai Mental Health Center,Shanghai 200030,China;Psychiatry Department,Shanghai Tongji Hospital,Shanghai 200065,China;Shanghai Key Laboratory of Psychotic Disorders,Shanghai Mental Health Center,Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine,Shanghai 200030,China;Institute of Psychology and Behavioral Science,Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200030,China)
出处 《神经疾病与精神卫生》 2024年第10期753-756,共4页 Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health
基金 国家自然科学基金(82161138021)。
关键词 精神障碍 磁抽搐治疗 疗效 不良反应 综述 Mental disorders Magnetic seizure therapy Efficacy Adverse reaction Review
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