

Realization Pathways of Carbon Sequestration and Emission Reduction in China’s Cultivated Land Soils under the Background of Dual Carbon Goal and Rural Revitalization
摘要 通过构建新形势下实现耕地土壤固碳减排的理论分析框架,解析了限制我国耕地土壤固碳减排发展的问题,提出了耕地土壤固碳减排的实现路径。新形势下推进耕地土壤固碳减排,必须坚持保障粮食安全的底线,找准“双碳”工作中农业农村的减排固碳定位,重点是降低单位农产品排放强度,提升固碳能力,推动形成低碳绿色的生产生活方式。推进耕地固碳减排的基本方向是:以推进乡村产业振兴和生态振兴为重要实现路径,推动耕地土壤固碳减排与乡村生态低碳产业发展深度融合,以高标准农田建设、黑土地保护、有机质提升等作为质量支撑保障,以有机循环农业、农业废弃物资源化利用等作为低碳产业支撑保障,健全绿色生态补偿和碳排放市场交易,推动耕地土壤碳汇价值实现,实现粮食保供、农业农村固碳减排、耕地资源可持续利用、农民增收等多目标共赢。 The paper construct a theoretical analysis framework for achieving carbon sequestration and emission reduction in farmland soil under the new situation,analyzes the problems that limit the development of carbon sequestration and emission reduction in farmland soil,and proposes the implementation path for carbon sequestration and emission reduction in farmland soil under the new situation.In the new situation,it is necessary to closely focus on the overall goal of“dual carbon”,take ensuring food security as the foundation,and adhere to the coordinated promotion of cultivated land quality protection and soil carbon sequestration and emission reduction;must take rural revitalization as the support,with farmland soil carbon sequestration and emission reduction technology as the main hand,straighten out the policy support tools for farmland soil carbon sequestration and emission reduction and its derived low-carbon agricultural industry,guide capital,science and technology,talents and other factors to the countryside to gather low-carbon ecological industries,enhance the carbon sink and carbon sequestration potential of the farmland soil and realize the synergistic promotion of carbon sequestration and emission reduction and rural revitalization;It is necessary to promote the realization of the value of cultivated land soil carbon sink,promote the inclusion of cultivated land soil carbon sink into the carbon trading market,and highlight the economic value of low-carbon utilization of farmland through market mechanisms.This will achieve a win-win situation with multiple goals,including carbon sequestration and emission reduction in agriculture and rural areas,ensuring food supply,sustainable utilization of arable land resources,and increasing income for farmers.
作者 陈少华 CHEN Shaohua(Civil,Commercial and Economic Law School,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088,China)
出处 《地域研究与开发》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期132-137,共6页 Areal Research and Development
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFD2000205) 现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金项目(CARS-24-B-05)。
关键词 双碳 乡村振兴 耕地土壤 固碳减排 dual carbon rural revitalization cultivated land soil carbon sequestration and emission reduction
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