

Effect of Coniferous and Broadleaf Mixture Measures on Soil Organic Carbon Stability of Pinus massoniana Plantation in Red Soil Erosion Area
摘要 [目的]为了探究针阔混交改造措施对红壤侵蚀区恢复马尾松林土壤碳库稳定性的影响。[方法]以福建长汀不同恢复年限(Y10、Y20、Y41)马尾松林(CF)和相对应的针阔改造林(MF)作为研究对象,通过物理分组方法将土壤有机碳分为颗粒态有机碳(POC)和矿质结合态有机碳(MAOC),分析林分改造过程对不同土壤剖面土壤有机碳组分的影响。[结果](1)相比于马尾松纯林,混交林显著增加MAOC和0-10 cm土层SOC、POC含量,并避免长期恢复马尾松林MAOC的消耗;(2)林分改造显著降低Y20-MF中10-20,40-60 cm土层及Y41-MF中0-20 cm土层POC/SOC,但显著增加Y10-MF中20-60 cm土层及Y41-MF中0-10 cm土层MAOC/SOC;(3)随着年限的增加,混交林中0-10 cm土层MAOC/SOC持续增加,POC/SOC显著降低,而马尾松林则相反;(4)线性拟合发现,POC、MAOC均与SOC呈显著正相关,但混交林土壤SOC增加更多依赖MAOC的增加,而马尾松土壤SOC的增加更多的以非稳定性碳组分(POC)为主;(5)冗余分析表明,DOC、TN、TP、NH_(4)^(+)共同解释碳组分变化的66.2%,表明林分改造后土壤养分有效性的增加是混交林MAOC积累的关键。[结论]亚热带红壤侵蚀区林分改造通过提升土壤养分有效性,增加稳定碳库的积累从而避免长期恢复过程中土壤碳库流失。 [Objective]To investigate the effects of coniferous and broadleaf mixture measures on the stability of soil carbon47 pools in Pinus Massoniana Plantation in red soil erosion areas.[Methods]In this study,we examined the impact of forest restoration on soil organic carbon fractions in the Pinus massoniana pure forest(CF)and Pinus massoniana and Schima superba mixed forest(MF)in Changting,Fujian Province.We analyzed soil profiles from different years(Y10,Y20,and Y41)by categorizing soil organic carbon into particulate organic carbon(POC)and mineral-associated organic carbon(MAOC).[Results](1)Compared with CF,the contents of MAOC,SOC,and POC in the 0-10 cm soil layer in mixed forest significantly increased.The long-term stand mixing effectively avoided the depletion of MAOC in long-term restoration of pine forest.(2)POC/SOC in the 10-20 cm and 40-60 cm and 0-20 cm soil layers in Y20-MF and Y41-MF decreased significantly after coniferous and broadleaf mixture,but MAOC/SOC in the 20-60 cm and 0-10 cm soil layers in Y10-MF and Y41-MF increased significantly;(3)MAOC/SOC was observed in the 20-60 cm soil layer,while in Y41-MF,it was found in the 0-10 cm soil layer.Additionally,in mixed forests,MAOC/SOC in the 0-10 cm soil layer continued to increase with age,whereas POC/SOC decreased significantly.The opposite trend was observed in the masson pine forests.(4)Linear fitting revealed that POC and MAOC were both significantly and positively correlated with SOC,but the increase in SOC in mixed forest soils were more dependent on the increase in MAOC,whereas the masson pine forests soil was more dominated by the non-stable carbon component(POC);(5)Redundancy analysis indicated that DOC,TN,TP,and NH_(4)^(+) collectively explained 66.2%of the variation in carbon fractions.This suggests that the enhancement of soil nutrient effectiveness following the forest conversion is crucial for MAOC accumulation in mixed forests.[Conclusion]This study demonstrates that forest conversion in subtropical red soil erosion areas could increase the accumulation of stabilized carbon pools by enhancing soil nutrient effectiveness.This process helps avoid the loss of soil carbon pools during long-term restoration efforts.
作者 姜永孟 苏浩浩 陆宇明 邓薇 刘珏伶 吕茂奎 谢锦升 JIANG Yongmeng;SU Haohao;LU Yuming;DENG Wei;LIU Jueling;L Maokui;XIE Jinsheng(College of Geographical Science,Key Laboratory of Humid Subtopical Ec-Geographical Processes of the Mimistry of Education,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007)
出处 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期323-331,共9页 Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(32030073) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31870604)。
关键词 碳稳定性 颗粒态有机碳 矿质结合态有机碳 针阔混交 carbon stability particulate organic carbon mineral-associated organic carbon coniferous and broadleaf tree mixture
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