

Diversity of Amphibians and Reptiles in Yunjshan Provincial Nature Reserve,Xinfeng,Guangdong Province
摘要 为进一步完善广东新丰云髻山省级自然保护区两栖爬行动物资源编目,评估物种多样性,识别保护区内受胁物种并分析受胁因素,于2022年5月至2023年3月期间,在保护区及相邻周边开展了4次两栖爬行动物调查。调查方法以样线法为主,样点法、访问调查和资料收集为辅,共布设样线17条,样点10个。记录到两栖动物2目7科27种,爬行动物2目13科43种。两栖爬行动物区系组成均以华中-华南区共有种为主,中国特有种数量较多。G-F指数指数表明:云髻山两栖爬行动物的科级阶元多样性均高于属级,爬行动物在科属水平上较两栖动物多样性更为丰富。该区域两栖爬行动物受胁的主要因素为小水电站、道路碾压和人为捕捉,故在此基础上提出了相应的保护措施。云髻山保护区及周边两栖爬行动物多样性丰富,有70种,其中6种潜在的受胁风险较高。通过实地调查并参考近年来较新的分类学研究,部分物种的分类地位和地理分布位置得到更新,并对云髻山两栖爬行动物名录进行了重新厘定。 To enhance the cataloging of amphibians and reptiles in the Yunjishan Provincial Nature Reserve,Xinfeng,Guangdong Province,assess the diversity of species,identify threatened species within the reserve,and analyze threatened factors,four surveys on amphibians and reptiles were conducted in the reserve and adjacent surrounding areas from May 2022 to March 2023.The survey method primarily involved line transects,supplemented by point sampling,interview surveys,and data collection.A total of 17 line transects and 10 sampling points were established.In total,27 amphibian species from 2 orders and 7 families,as well as 43 reptile species from 2 orders and 13 families,were recorded.The amphibian and reptile fauna in this area primarily consists of common species from Central and South China,including a significant number of endemic species to China.The G-F index revealed that the diversity of amphibians and reptiles at the family level exceeded that at the genus level,and reptiles demonstrated higher diversity at the family-genus level.Small-scale hydropower plants,road construction,and human trapping are identified as the primary factors threatening amphibians and reptiles in this area.Therefore,we proposed corresponding protection measures based on these findings.Yunjishan Provincial Nature Reserve and its surrounding areas were rich in diversity of amphibians and reptiles,with 70 species,of which six species were potentially at high risk of threat.Through field surveys and reference of the relatively new taxonomic research in recent years,the taxonomic status and geographical distribution of some species have been updated,and the checklist of amphibians and reptiles in Yunjishan Provincial Nature Reserve has been redefined.
作者 蓝扬辉 唐海明 王家栋 彭秋燕 韩婉诗 曹越 Lan Yanghui;Tang Haiming;Wang Jiadong;Peng Qiuyan;Han Wanshi;Cao Yue(The Management of Yunjishan Provincial Nature Reserve,Shaoguan Guangdong 511100;Guangzhou CAOMUFAN Ecological Research Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou Guangdong 510520;Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Center of Wetland Restoration,Guangzhou Guangdong 510520)
出处 《热带林业》 2024年第3期69-77,共9页 Tropical Forestry
基金 广东省2022年度自然资源事务专项资金-生态林业建设(省级组织实施)(GZYL22SGFC03013)“广东新丰云髻山省级自然保护区综合科学考察和野生动物红外相机监测项目”。
关键词 两栖动物 爬行动物 物种多样性 区系组成 云髻山省级自然保护区 Amphibian Reptile Species diversity Fauna Yunjishan Provincial Nature Reserve
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