目的 探讨中药穴位贴敷+耳穴压豆护理对湿热下注型混合痔术后患者便秘的影响。方法 随机选取2020年1月—2023年11月东阿县中医医院收治的70例湿热下注型混合痔术后患者为研究对象,依据不同护理方法分为对照组(35例,采用中药穴位贴敷护理干预)和研究组(35例,采用中药穴位贴敷+耳穴压豆护理干预);干预7 d。对比两组患者的护理满意度和便秘相关症状评分。结果 护理后,两组患者便意次数减少、有便意而难以排出、肛门阻塞坠胀以及腹部胀满评分均低于护理前,且研究组低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。研究组护理总满意度为97.14%(34/35),高于对照组的74.29%(26/35),差异有统计学意义(χ^(2)=7.466,P<0.05)。结论 临床对湿热下注型混合痔术后患者采用中药穴位贴敷结合耳穴压豆护理,可有效降低便意次数减少、有便意而难以排出、肛门阻塞坠胀以及腹部胀满评分,提升护理满意度。
Objective To investigate the effect of acupoint application of traditional Chinese medicine and auricular point pressure bean on constipation of patients with mixed hemorrhoids of dampness-heat diffusing downward type af‐ter operation.Methods A total of 70 patients with mixed hemorrhoids of dampness-heat diffusing down ward after sur‐gery treated in Dong'e Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January 2020 to November 2023 were randomly selected as the study subjects.According to different nursing methods,they were divided into the control group(35 cases,using Chinese medicine acupoint application nursing intervention)and the study group(35 cases,using Chinese medicine acupoint application+auricular point pressure nursing bean intervention).Intervention for 7 days.Nursing satisfaction and constipation-related symptom scores were compared between the two groups.Results After nursing,the scores of patients with reduced frequency of bowel movements,difficulty in discharging symptoms with bowel movements,anal obstruction and distension symptoms,and abdominal distension symptoms in both groups were lower than before nursing,and the study group were lower than the control group,the differences were statistically signifi‐cant(all P<0.05).The total nursing satisfaction in the study group was 97.14%(34/35),which was higher than that in the control group 74.29%(26/35),and the difference was statistically significant(χ^(2)=7.466,P<0.05).Conclusion Clinical treatment of patients with dampness-heat diffusing down ward mixed hemorrhoids after operation with acu‐point application of traditional Chinese medicine combined with auricular point pressure bean can effectively reduce the frequency of stool,reduce symptoms,have stool but difficult to discharge symptoms,rectal obstruction and disten‐sion symptoms and abdominal distension symptom scores,and improve nursing satisfaction.
WANG Yueing(Department of Surgery,Dong'e Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Liaocheng,Shandong,252000,China)
China & Foreign Medical Treatment
Acupoint application of traditional Chinese medicine
Auricular point pressure bean
Dampness-heat diffusing downward type
Mixed hemorrhoid operation
Clinical symptom