

An Empirical Analysis of Factors Influencing College Students'Willingness to Pay on Online Education Platforms:A Case Study of Students in Fuzhou University Town
摘要 在线教育在国家政策支持和市场需求增长下加速渗透,快速发展。基于计划行为理论、技术接受模型和感知价值理论,构建在校大学生在线教育平台付费意愿影响因素模型,开展问卷调查并进行实证分析。分析结果表明,感知质量、感知有用性、主观规范、知觉行为控制、付费态度对在校大学生付费意愿具有显著性正向影响,感知费用则对其具有显著性负向影响;付费态度在感知质量、感知有用性、感知费用对在校大学生付费意愿影响中发挥中介作用。基于此,针对高校、在线教育平台、在校大学生提出相关建议。 Nowadays,online education has accelerated its penetration and rapid development under the support of national policies and the growth of market demand.Based on the theory of planned behavior,the technology acceptance model and the theory of perceived value,a model of influencing factors of college students'willingness to pay on online education platforms was constructed,and a questionnaire survey was carried out and an empirical analysis was conducted.The results show that perceived quality,perceived usefulness,subjective norms and perceived behavior control have significant positive effects on college students'willingness to pay,while perceived cost has significant negative effects on college students'willingness to pay.Paying attitude has a significant positive effect on paying willingness of college students,and plays an intermediary role in the effects of perceived quality,perceived usefulness and perceived cost on paying willingness of college students.Then,based on the research conclusions,the problems existing in college education are analyzed,and relevant suggestions are put forward for colleges,online education platforms and college students.
作者 陈妍彦 CHEN Yanyan(Personnel Office,Fuzhou Polytechnic College,Fuzhou,Fujian 350108)
出处 《武夷学院学报》 2024年第10期92-99,共8页 Journal of Wuyi University
基金 教育部产学合作协同育人项目(220600514153538)。
关键词 在线教育 付费意愿 影响因素 福州大学城 online education willingness to pay influencing factors Fuzhou University town
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