一、背景 中华人民共和国和芬兰共和国(以下简称“中国”和“芬兰”)于1950年建交,此后长期保持友好稳定关系。2017年,两国发表关于建立和推进面向未来的新型合作伙伴关系的联合声明。2019年,双方发表《关于推进中芬面向未来的新型合作伙伴关系的联合工作计划(2019-2023)》,对联合声明进行补充,并结合两国已签署的合作谅解备忘录、计划和目标,指导双方以结果为导向,在一致同意的领域开展务实合作。
Context The People's Republic of China and the Republic of Finland(hereafter“China”and“Finland”respectively)established diplomatic relations in 1950 and have since maintained friendly and stable relations.In 2017,the two countries agreed on a Joint Declaration on Establishing and Promoting the Future-oriented New-type Cooperative Partnership.In 2019,the Joint Declaration was complemented by a Joint Action Plan on Promoting the Future-oriented New-type Cooperative Partnership 2019-2023,which combined existing memorandums of understanding,plans and objectives between the two countries and functioned as a guidance for practical and result-oriented cooperation in mutually agreed fields.