

The Collective Image Shaping of College and University Students in the Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republic of China——The Observation and Construction from the Perspective of Others
摘要 清末民初随着科举制的废除和新式教育的出现,近代大学生作为非常重要的青年群体成长起来,得到了社会各界的普遍关注。教育界从育人角度出发,认为大学生应钻研学术、培养人格、关注时政,为成为国之栋梁做好全面准备。社会民众则从现实关怀出发,赞扬了大学生爆发出来的抗争力量,也批评了其过分参与政治事务、眼高手低以及一些不良的爱好习惯。中学生则普遍渴望升学,虽然经济问题和学位问题让升学显得尤为艰难,但仍然愿意为成为一名光荣的大学生而努力。这些来自他者视角的期望、认知与评价共同塑造了大学生的集体形象,也对大学生的自我认知与管理产生了重要影响。 In the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China,when the imperial civil examination was abolished and new-style education emerged,modern college and university students grew as an important youth group and received widespread attention from all sectors of society.From the perspective of educating people,the education sector believed that college and university students should devote themselves to academic research,cultivate their personality,and pay attention to political affairs in order to fully prepare themselves to be the pillar of the country.The general public,out of practical concern,extolled the resistance force that college and university students unleashed on the one hand,and criticized,on the other hand,their excessive participation in political affairs,lofty ambitions without a foundation of practical skills,and some undesirable hobbies and habits.Middle school students aspired to further their study and strove to be a proud university or college student,despite the fact that some issues of economy and degree made it particularly difficult.These expectations,recognitions,and evaluations from the perspective of others jointly shaped the collective image of college and university students and exerted a significant impact on their self-awareness and management.
作者 韩倩 Han Qian(School of History,Capital Normal University Beijing,100089;Organization Department of the Party Committee of Yanshan University,Qinhuangdao 066004)
出处 《西部学刊》 2024年第22期143-148,共6页 Journal of Western
基金 2021年度河北省社会科学发展研究课题“京津冀地区清末民初学堂学生的日常生活与集体心态”(编号:20210201340)的研究成果。
关键词 清末民初 大学生 集体形象 他者视角 the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of China college and university student perspective of others
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