

Research on Key Technology of Design Specification for ADN
摘要 在新能源占比逐渐提高的新型电力系统的构建过程中,主动配电网蓬勃发展。通过对主动配电网的柔性组网技术、分布式电源、储能系统、配电网设施、二次系统、通信与信息系统、灵活性负荷与能源管理等关键技术进行研究,编制T/CEPPEA 5012—2022《主动配电网设计规范》,在工程实践中已经得到应用。 In the process of constructing a new power system in which the proportion of new energy is gradually increasing,the active distribution network is developing vigorously.This paper studies the key technologies of active distribution network,such as flexible networking,distributed resources,energy storage system,distribution network facilities,secondary system,communication and information system,flexible load and energy management etc.The group standard of T/CEPPEA 5012—2022 Design Specification for Active Distribution Network is prepared,which has been applied in engineering practice.
作者 夏泉 杨然静 宋宝同 王方敏 刘剑 王婷婷 孟宪利 XIA Quan;YANG Ranjing;SONG Baotong;WANG Fangmin;LIU Jian;WANG Tingting;MENG Xianli(Beijing Electric Power Economic Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100055,China;Tianjin Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300171,China;Zhuhai Electric Power Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Zhuhai 519099,China)
出处 《电力勘测设计》 2024年第11期7-11,共5页 Electric Power Survey & Design
关键词 主动配电网 柔性组网 分布式电源 配电网设施 灵活性负荷 ADN flexible networking distributed resources distribution network facilities flexible load
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