研究目的:探究冲刺性间歇训练(Sprint interval training,SIT)的生理学特点、能量代谢特征及性别差异,为日常训练提供理论基础和实践依据。研究方法:选取16名健康活跃男女受试者进行功率自行车SIT急性测试。采集其在运动过程中的摄氧量(VO2)、通气量(VE)、心率(HR)、血乳酸(BLa)、呼吸交换率(RER)以及主观感知疲劳指数(RPE)等生理学指标,并计算三大能量代谢系统的供能水平。研究结果:(1)SIT过程中磷酸原供能与有氧供能水平基本保持稳定,糖酵解供能水平呈逐渐下降趋势(P<0.05),总能量消耗呈轻微下降趋势(P<0.05)。(2)SIT过程中BLa水平呈逐渐上升趋势,其中,男性BLa波动范围为7.2±1.2mmol/L~12.1±1.1mmol/L,女性BLa波动范围为6.1±1.0mmol/L~11.5±0.9mmol/L。(3)男性与女性在SIT工作期内平均VO2分别为36.7±5.6ml/kg/min和25.6±3.3ml/kg/min,峰值VE分别为1.48±0.29L/kg/min和0.95±0.16L/kg/min,均具有显著性差异(P<0.05)。(4)男性在SIT运动中的三大能量系统供能水平均高于女性(P<0.05),但两者在各项指标上的变化趋势基本一致。研究结论:(1)SIT是一种以极限负荷运动形式,通过控制糖酵解代谢来调节既定生理适应的训练模式。(2)典型SIT方案能诱发11.5mmol/L~12.1mmol/L最高乳酸平台,可有效发展机体无氧耐力与心肺功能适应。(3)健康活跃青年男性在SIT过程中的摄氧量水平、通气量水平以及三大能量系统的供能水平均高于女性,但两者在生理学特点及能量代谢特征方面所表现出来的趋势与规律是一致的。
Research purpose:This test was to investigate the physiological characteristics,energy supply characteristics and gender differences in the training process of sprint interval training(SIT),so as to provide a theoretical basis and practical basis for daily training.Research method:A total of 16 healthy and hubitually active subjects were selected for this study to perform SIT acute exercise tests in the form of electronically braked cycle ergometer.Physiological indices such as oxygen uptake(VO2),ventilation(VE),heart rate(HR),blood lactate(BLa),respiratory exchange rate(RER)and rating of perceived exertion(RPE)were collected during exercise,and the energy supply levels of the three major energy metabolic systems were calculated.Research results:(1)The ATP-PCr system and aerobic energy contribution remained basically stable during SIT exercise,while the glycolytic system contribution showed a gradually decreasing trend(P<0.05)and the total energy contribution showed a slight decreasing trend(P<0.05).(2)During SIT,BLa levels showed a gradual increase,with BLa fluctuating from 7.2±1.2 mmol/L to 12.1±1.1 mmol/L in males and from 6.1±1.0 mmol/L to 11.5±0.9 mmol/L in females.(3)Mean VO2 was 36.7±5.6ml/kg/min and 25.6±3.3ml/kg/min and peak VE was 1.48±0.29L/kg/min and 0.95±0.16L/kg/min in males and females,respectively,during the SIT work interval,with significant differences between males and females(P<0.05).(4)The energy supply levels of the three major energy metabolic systems were higher in men than in women during SIT(P<0.05),but there was no difference between men and women in the trends of each index.Research conclusions:(1)SIT is a training mode that regulates established physiological adaptations by controlling glycolytic system in the form of extreme load exercise.(2)SIT induces a maximum lactate plateau of 11.5mmol/L to 12.1mmol/L,which can effectively develop anaerobic endurance and cardiorespiratory adaptations.(3)The levels of oxygen uptake,ventilation and energy supply of the three energy systems were higher in healthy active men than in women during SIT,but the trends and patterns shown in the physiological characteristics and energy supply features of both were consistent.
YIN Zhang-ye;WEI Jian-xi;CUO Hong-fei;HAN Fei;CAO Wei-feng(The Lab of Military Conditioning and Motor Function Assessment,Military Foundation Department,the Army Engineering University of PLA,Nanjing,211101,China;School of Physical Education,Wuhan Sport University,Wuhan,430079,China)
Fujian Sports Science and Technology
sprint interval training
physiological characteristics
energy metabolism