

How do Online Fake Reviews Cause Tourism Value Co-Destruction?—Research Based on the Perspective of Customer
摘要 由于在线评论会影响顾客的购买决策,不少企业和电商平台在利益的驱使下制造虚假评论,顾客也会出于报复或其他动机发布虚假评论。然而,学术界对在线评论的研究大多关注真实评论带来的积极作用,对于虚假评论如何影响价值共毁的研究甚少。文章采用情景实验法,分析在线虚假评论如何造成顾客、旅游企业和平台三方的价值共毁。3个情景实验的研究结果表明:与夸大的虚假评论相比,完全不实的虚假评论对顾客情绪及其报复、回避意愿的影响更强烈;顾客的失望、愤怒和后悔情绪在虚假评论和报复、回避意愿间发挥中介作用;顾客专业性负向调节虚假评论对顾客报复和回避意愿的影响。文章丰富了虚假评论和价值共毁的研究成果,同时为企业和平台提供了管理启示。 As online reviews affect customers’purchasing decisions,many enterprises and e-commerce platforms create fake reviews driven by interests,and customers also post fake reviews out of revenge or other motives.However,the academic research on online reviews pays more attention to the positive effects of real reviews,and there is little research on how fake reviews affect value co-destruction.In this study,scenario experiment method was used to analyze how online fake reviews cause the value co-destruction of potential tourists,tourism service providers and platforms.The results of the three scenario experiments show that:compared with the exaggerated fake reviews,the completely fake reviews have a stronger impact on customers’emotions and their desire for revenge and avoidance.Customer’s disappointment,anger and regret have mediating effect between fake reviews and the desire for revenge and avoidance.Customer expertise negatively moderates the influence of fake reviews on customer desire for revenge and avoidance.This paper enriches the research results of fake reviews and value co-destruction,and provides management implications for enterprises and platforms.
作者 关新华 聂振兴 吴炆佳 龚金红 GUAN Xinhua;NIE Zhenxing;WU Wenjia;GONG Jinhong(School of Culture Tourism,Guangdong University of Finance&Economics,Guangzhou 510320,China;College of Humanities and Law,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China)
出处 《旅游科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第9期37-58,共22页 Tourism Science
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“服务机器人-工作环境匹配的结构、前因和后果研究:基于旅游业人机价值共创情境”(72472033) 国家自然科学基金青年项目“哈尼梯田世界文化遗产地文化治理与空间重构研究”(42101245) 教育部人文社科研究项目“人机交互情境下服务一线员工自我管理行为研究:结构、形成机制及影响”(23YJA630028) 广东省基础与应用研究基金自然科学基金项目“遗产地社区文化治理与可持续发展研究:基于发展地理学视角”(2021A1515011644) 广东省哲学社会科学规划项目“共创还是共毁?服务机器人运用对员工价值创造的双刃剑效应研究”(GD23YGL11)。
关键词 虚假评论 顾客情绪 报复意愿 回避意愿 顾客专业性 fake reviews customer emotion desire for revenge desire for avoidance customer expertise
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