

The Internal Mechanism and Practical Approach to Tackling the Unique Challenges Faced by the Big Party through Self-revolution
摘要 以自我革命破解大党独有难题“何以可能”?从内在机理来看,作为精神状态、治理理念和制度规范等三种样态的自我革命,能够激发解决大党独有难题的清醒坚定,为破解大党独有难题提供新的理念,为破解大党独有难题提供制度保障。以自我革命破解大党独有难题“何以必然”?以自我革命破解难题是马克思主义政党的基本思维,是中国共产党发展壮大的重要经验,也是新时代全面从严治党实践的规律升华。以自我革命破解大党独有难题“何以实现”?其主要路径包括:一是筑牢执政为民价值观念,永葆为人民服务的初心使命;二是健全党内法规制度体系,依靠制度巩固党的团结统一;三是继承弘扬党的优良学风,在持续学习中克服本领恐慌;四是坚持问责与容错相统一,培育党内担当作为的精气神;五是优化整合各类监督资源,健全发现问题纠正偏差的机制;六是一体推进正风反腐肃纪,引领党内政治生态持续净化。 How is it possible to tackle the unique challenges faced by the big party through self-revolution?From the perspective of internal mechanisms,self-revolution,manifested in three forms-mental state,governance philosophy,and institutional norms-can stimulate a sober and firm resolve to tackle these challenges,and provide new ideas and institutional guarantees as well.Why is it inevitable to tackle the unique challenges faced by the big party through self-revolution?Tackling challenges by undertaking self-revolution is the fundamental thinking of Marxist political parties,an important experience in the development and growth of the CPC,and a distillation of the practice of full and rigorous Party self-governance in the new era.How can we tackle the unique challenges faced by the big party through self-revolution?The main paths are as follows.First,we should strengthen the value of governing for the people and always maintain the original mission of serving the people.Second,we should improve the system of intra-party regulations and institutions and rely on them to consolidate the unity and solidarity of the party.Third,we should inherit and promote the party’s fine style of study and overcome the fear of incompetence through continuous learning.Fourth,we should adhere to the unity of accountability and tolerance of mistakes,cultivating the spirit of responsibility within the party.Fifth,we should optimize and integrate various supervision resources,improving the mechanism for identifying problems and correcting deviations.Sixth,we should promote rectification,anti-corruption,and discipline in an integrated manner,leading to the continuous purification of the political ecology within the party.
作者 张亚东 王春玺 ZHANG Yadong;WANG Chunxi(School of Marxism,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083,China;School of Marxism,Beihang University,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《北京联合大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2024年第6期17-26,共10页 Journal of Beijing Union University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“新时代建立和完善党的自我革命制度规范体系研究”(项目编号:23ZDA130)。
关键词 大党独有难题 自我革命 社会革命 全面从严治党 政党治理 unique challenges faced by the big party self-revolution social revolution full and rigorous Party self-governance Party governance
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